Bye Bye Flooring

Who would have thought flooring would be so though. When we built our house we picked out an inexpensive flooring due to the fact that our children were small. Well talk about great flooring, it did not want to leave. We finally got it up and out.

Camo Man had to peel the top layer off before using the machine.

Then we had to literally pull the machine to remove the composit part. Yes, that is my nephew. I think he wants to be a Blog Star. Is there anything this boy can't do. You might remember him adding the molding to my sisters dining area.
**Tip for this post, If you are in doubt about a paint color and your husband will only paint every six years, CALL a professional** We will be painting the kitchen with this make over. Yes, the gold and blue are gonna go.

This is my son with a broom, he on the other hand does not want to be a Blog Star and refused to let me take his picture. So I snapped this one fast.
We are moving right along. Next will be ceramic tile... Not real crazy about putting it in my foyer but Camo Man loves it, so what the heck. He did agree to letting me put a rooster in the back splash behind the stove. For you newly weds , this is called compromise. It takes time to learn this skill, but it will be to your advantage.


The Stylish House said...

Waving hi from Sits! Oh my, you have a bit of a mess going on, but it will look so great when it is finished. I looked through some of your posts. I am a "Real Wives" fan also and love Suzy Orman too.
Drop by my place anytime it is nice to meet new friends. ~Cathy~

Lamp Tramp said... Susie's son's mean looking arms! Your home is so lucky to have you ....we all love our home rehabs/updates! Yours will be so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Well holy cow shitkies.. I didn't recall reading about the floor redo too.. but then again why not just do it all! Love the mess.. so where was supper to be tonight?

No baby yet.. but soon.

Anonymous said...

Blog star, I like that phrase!

Unknown said...

Oh, so true about the compromise! I'm learning that one finally, and I've been married for 22 years!


Anonymous said...

Jesse needs to start his own blog. Lil Mr. Handy Man...hehe. Your kitchen is looking good! Had fun this weekend....Sue~

Shaam said...

LOL well it's great that things are coming along! Thanks for the advice! LOL

All the best,

Sarah said...

Ah... compromise....there is evidence of that all over my house! It's going to look great finished!

Darlene said...

I think it is going to be beautiful. Yeah, when you are married compromise is the name of the game!

RootsAndWingsCo said...

Too funny! I love how stubborn your cheap floor was! Even more I love the "compromise" part! Isn't it the truth!? I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Jeanne Oliver said...

This looks like so much hard work, but the finaly result is going to be worth it!