***Caution, this is a REALITY REMODEL ***
HGTV does not show and tell you the truth because no one would ever have a remodel...have you ever see this kinda mess when Candice Olsen redoes a room? Have you ever seen dust when Chico the electrician cuts up the sheet rock to install the light Candace found in the ten minutes before a commercial?
Be honest people, does HGTV tell you that a home makeover may cause a divorce. I wish that they would have shown the reality ... They might be scared, but I'm not.
Maybe I could save you from the makeover pain. Believe it or not there is humor somewhere in this...

Geez the pictures look so much better than the real wall. They look so blue. In real they are covered in a fine white powdery dust. The back splash will remain like this a bit longer. I ordered a piece to go behind the stove and it will not be in until the middle of May. Yes, I know we are still in April.

The day the man repaired the backsplash he left the door open. Have you ever had a mosquito buzzing your ear at 1:27 am? Then the next morning I got up for work looked in the mirror , DANG IT an big zit right on my cheek?...NOT it was a mosquito bite. Wonder if I could take some off his bill for that.

I have no stove, sink or dishwasher and really no sanity either....
Below is a picture of my living room. Camo Man thought it would be nice to give me new floors. Well I arrived home from work and he told me everything in the kitchen, foyer, study,half bath and hall closet had to go into the living room. We went from getting new counter tops to new everything.
Here is reality...it is easier to pick out a new house.

Well golly, nothing like moving all your fine china without boxes..My sister thinks she is a red neck,(http://susieharris.blogspot.com/) well I got her beat. I put all that fine china under my bed. Since this is rated PG13, I told Camo Man we will have to lay very very still in the bed. He should remain on his side, I on mine as to keep the weight distributed evenly. Heaven forbid if the bed would fall on the china. (ladies he did not buy that one).

Did I mention this is turning into the money pit. Oh, I forgot to mention money. Well lets save that for another post.
The flooring guy told us to save money we should take up the old floor before he lays the tile... How sweet he even loan Camo Man the tools. Well after 3 hours and he only had 3 foot of flooring up he called the floor man. Floor man said the original floor was put down with the wrong glue. As I type Camo Man is trying to get the floor up with a machine he had to rent. Well the concrete is coming up too... as he looks over at me with a look of what the *** are you doing on the computer.....

Stay tuned when next post will be "Remodeling and IBS"....(just joking)


Shaam said...

Oh my gosh. Just think about how great the end results will be after all the work. :)

All the best,

southerninspiration said...

Can't wait to see the finished product!!!


Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

You're cracking me up. And I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to be funny. The picute of your husband with that..."what the...are you doing on the computer" look is hilarious! I can totally relate.


My Creatively Vintage Life said...

Hey Missy,

I totally feel your pain. WE went through the same thing with our floor last year. WE had real mexican tile and we wanted to replace it with travertine marble and I told Scott that he could save us about 1,800 dollars by taking up the old floor. Easy Peasy right, just take a sledge hammer and break it all up and sweep it out the door I told him! WRONG..... I was out of town and he called me and said that it had been 5 hours and he only had gotten up about an inch of tile. Long story short, it took 3 professionals 1 week with electric hand jack hammers on their knees to get the tile up.. and we had a lot of it. Then they had to put a concrete leveler down because some of the concrete came up and that had to dry for another day then they could start installing the floor. I thought it would take about 4 days and $3,000 including tile and installation but it really took 2 weeks and $6,500 for my floor! So I truly feel your pain. I need my wood floor refinished right now and I haven't had that done yet simply because I'm not ready to go through all that CRAP!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh good lord woman.. pg-13, ibs and china.. for some reason these three things just don't belong together. It's time to rethink things here. Camo man can hold his horses for a few weeks.. the ibs can't.. and the china is good under the bed for now but needs to be used and often not the other way around with camo man.

Get that dish rack set up in the tub my dear and a bucket of cleaning supplies to wash em in.

New stove top = new dishwasher.. yippie skippie doo.

Kat said...

Okay. That very last comment about Camo Man working and looking at you like what the **** are you doing on the computer made me laugh out loud.

I'm still feeling your pain. We've done two home remodels. We live on the edge that way ;) I've told you about dirty dishes in the bathtub, but that picture of all your furniture crammed into one area reminded of the first house remodel we did in which we did the whole house all at once. So, at one point, as we were living on concrete, my bedroom furniture was set up in the kitchen. Came in real handy if you wanted a late night snack :) Oh, and you are right about the money pit thing. It ALWAYS costs more than what you had planned!

Just keep telling yourself, "This, too, shall pass..."

Anonymous said...

I agree - HGTV does not tell the truth - unless Chico has magical powers and really can cut drywall and not make a mess.

We recently replaced the vinyl floor and carpet in our kitchen/breakfast room. I feel Camo Man's pain. The knuckleheads who put down the vinyl floor used some kind of industrial/military grade adhesive, and we literally could not pull it off the floor. We ended up buying plywood and putting it down over the vinyl. My floor is now VERY sturdy!

It will be worth it in the end - as long as you don't end up in the funny farm. :)


Heathahlee said...

Oh, Missy, I SO needed that laugh this morning! I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you! : )

Yes, I have a feeling we're going to have to rent some kind of monstrosity to get our flooring up out of our kitchen. Ugh.

I started to say "Ask Kat about her remodel of her old house" but I see she already mentioned it. I remember the concrete floor days well...

Anonymous said...

Did someone say IBS? Oh yeah we are talking bout new kitchens..sorry. I missed you lastnight at the jewerly party. Its never the same going without you. I have no one to get my looks...you know. Those looks that say a thousand words without ever moving your mouth. Well dont you worry about missing a thing! I booked a party so you can re capture what you missed. Your welcome,I knew you needed to get away for a bit out of that house. So whats for supper?....hehe. Sorry I couldnt resist. Im just sad its not my kitchen...love ya!

Anonymous said...

oh..ps... just to let you know. I will never be able to eat on your china and think good thoughts...thankyouverymuch!

Twice as Nice said...

Oh, I feel for you! I have been without a kitchen for 15 MONTHS!! and that is NOT a typo. We have a great garage now looks like a house, it has a fridge, tv, couch, hot plate, elec. skilled ..you get the idea. We are suppose to be painting this weekend so it is getting there. Good Luck.
P.S. I will be emailing some pic. soon for what we talked about last week.

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about a remodel gives me IBS! Which is why we have always built our homes from the ground up. I can't watch those remodel shows on HGTV because they give me such anxiety! Good luck!!

Kari Jenkins said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. Gee, I cant wait till my kids are old enough to realize there are icee's to be had! I love this post, HGTV is soooo bad about the lying. So are the peeps at DIY!

RootsAndWingsCo said...

I love you. You are so funny! I have done many remodeling jobs in my life and this is how they all go...pretty much! You only realize you need a different glue, after the hardware store is closed. You make mistakes, and the places you buy things from make mistakes. And even when everything goes right...yeah, it's a lot of memories, right!? I love it! You just have to go into it knowing this is how it goes. Sounds like you know. But going without a kitchen for a month. That should be interesting! Good luck!