Stole A Tassel To Give Away While Being A Guest Blogger

I am so excited that I was a guest for Susie's Blog today.
Sorry Sue you had to had to have dental work to let me be a guest blogger!
I never have time to do all the cool projects or painting that she does.

But, if you have taken time to come over and visit, jump on my follow button and I will enter you in a drawing for one of Susie great tassels and a few little goodies. If you already follow just let me know.
She does not know I am giving one away, but I am sure she won't mind. It's the least I can for making you read my blah blah blah...(and taking her 300th post)


southerninspiration said...

Are you sure she's not gonna strangle you, sistah? Oh, I love it and would love to win a purloined tassel!!! Ha. And I hope she appreciates ALL that you've done for her! :)

I am already a follower, by the way.

Darlene said...

Thanks for doing the guest post and updating us on your sister.♥ I would love to enter the giveaway and I am already one of your followers.

Twice as Nice said...

We are followers and would love to be entered. Thanks so much for checking out the material for me :o)

Anonymous said...

Always love your blah blah blah.. so post more of it! Susie looks good besides the missing teeth.

Besides just how daring is this.. going over to sissy's house.. stealing her tassels.. and then given them away! Harrr snort snort you go girl!

Anonymous said...

Hope that Susie is doing well. Did you make her some soup to sup? I'm a follower and I'd love to have another of her tassels! I ordered two from her already! She's a goodie!
You two look just like twins!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Mickey (Michel) Johnson said..., i would love to win a tassel, but i'm even that a word?...anyway, i'm a proud follower of your blog! xo, mickey

9405018--Pat said...

I'm a follower and I would love to win....thanks for the guest post udating today....Pat H

Leslee said...

I'm following! I love that one it matches my bedroom perfect!!! Love your blog!

Amber Filkins said...

Pretty tassel!! I just started following earlier today! So, yay! Hope I win. :)

Anonymous said...

You stinker...hehe. I wish you could come back over. My mouth is killing me now. It seems to feel better when your here. Hope you get some of your projects done tonight. Hope to get you kid back to you in one piece too...hehe. Maybe we can visit some more tommorow. Dont think Im making it to church in the morning in less the Lord works some miracles. hint hint Lord~

Shaam said...

How nice of you! I already follow you! LOL Thanks!

All the best,

Georgia Girl said...

How sweet to guest for Susie. She is a sweetie! I'm a follower now...never been over here but love your blog. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.

Kat said...

Heeeeeeey. Maybe I could guest blog for Heathahlee and steal one of her tassels? Naaaawwww! Just kiddin'. Kind of. Maybe ;)

Great guest post Missy :)

Oh, and enter me cause I'm already a follower.

vintage girl at heart said...

Feel better soon sweet lady!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower :) (both you and Susie).

Laura said...

How much fun! Yes I am a follower, and yes I would love a wonderful tassel.

Come see me,


Kristen said...

I thought it was a great blah blah guest post!! I also thought I was already following you but come to find out I wasn't (but am now!)

Our Naquin Family said...

Cute tassel! I loved your guest blogging~:)

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

YAY! I'm a follower! I love this tassel!

Heathahlee said...

I'm already a follower! I didn't know you were doing a giveaway, too! We're gonna saturate the market with all these tassel giveaways! I love this one!

Jessica said...

I am now a follower. I would love to win a tassel.

Amber Filkins said...

Ha! That is a little funny that she didn't even have the tassel you mentioned. But also SO sad because I loved it! Can't wait to see what she comes up with, I wanna win!

Let us know what happened with the granite guy, k?

Jenny@ L.O.T.s of Love said...

I'm following now! I actually thought I was before, my mistake!

LindaSonia said...

You are a little minx to 'lift' that tassel from your sister. But it sure is a beaut!! Count me in for the giveaway!! LindaSonia (

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower and I'd love to be entered. I've been reading your sister's blog for about a year. I can't beleieve you're giving this little beauty away. If I'd swiped it from my sister I'd totally keep it :) Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks.


Kim said...

I am a new reader and now follower.


Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Susie told me that you keep her laughing all the time. How wonderful to be so close with your sister. I never had that. My sister was 12 yrs older than me and due to mental problems disowned the family for 14 yrs and then passed away in 2001 at age 45. So thank the Lord everyday for your sister. He has blessed you both with each other.

Oh and please enter me in the giveaway. I'm following you now.

Shanna aka Eli n Lucas's mommy said...

What a steal -lol! I would love to win it! I'm following you.

Melissa and Cas said...

Oh I love this! It matches one of my rooms perfectly! I am going to follow now!


Joanna said...

I am following you! I am normally a lurker here..Just commenting here and there. *smiles*

Love her tassels! I didn't ever get a chance to buy one from her so how perfect for me to win this one! *smiles*

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I'm now following your blog,, for some reason I couldnt get it to work before. Thanks

Pippa Faz said...

OMGoodness... it's so beautiful, it's like stealing from the rich to give to the poor!! (hence me!) :)

dixymiss said...

Oooh, pretty tassle! I'm off to subscribe now... ThanX for the chance to win.

Jackie said...

Count me in on the tassel. I can't believe she is going to make one and then give it away. I am so excited.
Thanks for stealing it I guess..
I watch your blog and its great too..

Yanira said...

I love your sister's blog. I have spent a few days reading it from the beginning, and I will be doing the same here. ;) Love the pictures you take. Wish you were in FL to take pictures of my 3 darlings.

Tami said...

I am coming over from Susie's blog and would love to win her tassel!!

I am am follower now!

Have a great day!

Lois Christensen said...

I just read on Susie's blog how you stole her tassel!! So I'll join your blog in hopes of winning it!!! And yes, I can't seem to settle on things either. Which is why we are completely removing our old stairway and putting in a whole new one. Our builder completely ignored me when I told him 5 years ago to stain the stairway to match the molding and he just put a coat of polyurathane on it and didn't even do a good job!! Finally hubby agreed this is the year to replace! Can't wait to get my pictures up, but first my contractor needs to get over here and put it together!!! Enjoy!!

Katy said...

Hey, just became a follower and I'd LOVE to win the "stolen" tassle. Awesome!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hey, Missy, count me in on the giveaway! I'm off to read about your kitchen.

Missy said...

This is too cute and I could so see my sisters doing the same thing.

Anna Marie said...

I would love to be the lucky winner of one of her tassels. Seems like you two have fun together. ;)
God bless!

Ginny said...

That is too funny!