What a view.... I can't tell you how happy I am that she made it to Italy and she LOVES it there.
I was kinda scared that I was pushing my dreams of world travel on my children, but she reassured me that she does not feel that way at all.

Doesn't she look so happy? Did ya notice the little window planter box in the background?
She said she does not want to send me to many pictures because she wants to be here with me when I see them. I can understand that.
Stop back by for Mondays post when I visit the kitchen remodel....yes VISIT the kitchen, because we still do not have any appliances, lighting, table,etc..


Heathahlee said...

Oh my goodness but that picture captures the real Italy! She looks like she is enjoying it!

Anonymous said...

What are you doing!!! I leave your house for one hour and there you go! Blogging. Do I need to come back over there and get you going~
I did have a great day shopping and dreaming with you. Hope we can see that other house tom. Now for bed... Im just tuckered out!

Shaam said...

Aw how sweet! It's great that she's loving it! Of course she would it's Italy wow!

All the best,

Kat said...

She does look happy. Glad she's loving it! And we all look forward to visiting your kitchen again.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh I LOVE that photo! Is that not Italy all summed up in one photo with your daughter sitting in the middle of it?? How much fun! I did a semester in France years ago and it was one of the highlights of my college life! That's when it all clicked. I don't think you can really learn a language without needing it for every mouthful of food you eat! lol Keep those pics coming...love it!..Debbie

Mickey (Michel) Johnson said...

...awesome photo with beautiful scenery and subject. i am so glad that your daughter is having such a wonderful time and enjoying traveling. i want my children to travel too...but i don't care if i push them! LOL...can't wait to see more pictures! ciao! mickey

vintage girl at heart said...

Oui Oui!!!! I love that we will all be able to visit vicariously through you and her!!!

RootsAndWingsCo said...

Italy...a dream of mine. Actually, I'd visit Denmark first (my ancestors are from there), but Italy is right up there on my list!

Looks like you had a day with Susie, too! Good for you! Anjeanette and I have been getting together more often recently, and it's been so great!

Can't wait to see more on your kitchen...I've heard of people who only visit their kitchens...

Darlene said...

That is a GORGEOUS picture! I bet she is having the time of her life!!!