Goodbye Mr. Stained Carpet, Hello Mr. Hickory Wood

Out with the carpet, in with the wood and goodness knows it was not soon enough.

That carpet had done its job. It gave warmth on many Christmas mornings while the kids opened their presents. It was a place to sit after my brothers funeral and ALL his friends came to share sweet memories, cry, laugh and sing his favorite songs.

Gosh I bet you will never look at your carpet the same...LOL.

The floor is a glue down tongue and groove by Anderson. I needed a wood that would blend with all the other wood trim in the house. It was a little pricey, so I tried to find something comparable at Lowes and Home Depot, but no luck I had to get the one at the local flooring store, but no regrets , I LOVE IT.

Don't you agree it blends really great? You can see by the pictures, the floor had to blend with white baseboards, the entertainment center and two dark cherry book cases in the library.

But there is a clean wood floor ready to share our next fifteen years of memories. Now, I just need to find some new chairs and rugs to bestow upon it.

Also thanks to everyone who gave great advice on how to keep my new floor looking great and free of all those multiplying dust bunnies.

If you want to see more flooring go by and visit Susie Harris with her new crafting shed.


Sue said...

Your floor looks beautiful. I would love wood throughout when we build next time. Then I would have a good excuse to buy orientals and other fancy rugs! Are you going to use any type of area rug?

Anonymous said...

SHED!!! Did you just call my Cottage studio a shed.....We need to talk sista! It's not a shed...did you see a lawn mower in there? Nope you did not... guess you were a bit mixed up cause my lawn looked like a pigpin and my flower beds looked like a pruned garden....yep...but shed...please!

Melissa Miller said...

~WOW!!!! I love the floors Melissa!
You did a fabulous job on them. Gorgeous color and warmth to it all.

~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

PS Thanks for coming by and your kind words. Yes! Kirklands is fabulous. I hope you shop at it soon. Lucky you to have a brand new one. YAY!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

These floors are gorgeous! yeah for you

trish said...

Gorgeous! :o) I love the richness of the color. :o)
And I adore Susie's "shed" make over too - just kidding ... it is a darling little cottage that I am admiring each step of transformation in. :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Heathahlee said...

It's beautiful, Missy! I have hardwood in my house and I do love it...all except for those giant dust bunnies with three very hairy dogs! : )

Nicole said...

Love the floors! We are dying to put wood flooring in our foyer, living and dining rooms. We have stained carpet now...i am sure you are thrilled with them.

Anonymous said...

Missy.. I adore Hickoy.. this is lovley. Send hubby over please.. cause it's my turn. (heehee)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I agree your wood floors are blended perfectly. I would love to have wooden floors too but my lovely carpet still works for me. I usually contact my trusted carpet cleaners, Orange County based, at least once in three months to remove the dirt and germs so that I'm assured of my kids safety whenever they're playing.

By the way, Nicole, you should have the stained removed as soon as possible as it may become more difficult to remove the stain if you let it stay there longer. If ever you're in California, I know a good carpet cleaning in Orange County that can help you.

Hope this helps!