What will the weekend bring....

I have been wanting to get some projects finished , but I just can't seem to find the time.

Is anyone else out there like me ? When you do have a spare minute are you just to tired to pull out the crafting stuff ? With the time change and new job I am wiped out when I get home.

But, I do know when I get a project finished I am sooo excited and I LOVE that feeling. Well as you can see by the picture I am going to try and work on this project .....I'll keep you up on what this faberic turns out to be.......BEE HAPPY , MISSY


  1. Oh, I know exactly what you mean! I've been struggling with getting stuff done, too! I love your blog! I'll be back to visit often...and is it ok if I put you in my links?

  2. Hello, Missy! Thanks for leaving me a note. I see you are a brand new blogger, so welcome. I've only been blogging a little over a year now & it has been SO much fun meeting such great people.

    I also work on a lot of projects. Some days I'm gung ho & some days I'm not, but just keep plugging along.

    Hope you'll come back & visit again!


  3. Looking good. I cant wait to see when it's finished. I would love one, smile

  4. Good luck on your new project. I know what you mean about feeling wiped out at the end of an activity/work-filled day.

    As tired as I am after everyone goes to bed, somehow crafting late at night when it's quite and there ae no demands and interruptions actually energizes me to get my crafting done.

  5. Hi Missy, Hope all is well with you down there in the DEEP south! It is always good to hear from you! Looks like your blogging is going well.. and thanks for adding me too. I was pleasantly surprised to see that and I really appreciate it! And yes, sometimes i am the same way about my projects too. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the days. The longer and lighter days make it a little better though.. God bless ya and if I can help you in any way please let me know....claudia

  6. Love your blog and reading about the Yoohoo and also about your brother... it really touched my heart......

  7. Welcome to the land of blog! I'm relatively new myself.

    I wanted to thank you for sharing the story about your brother ...an affirmation that no matter how our lives seem to be running (early, late or in complete chaos)in our minds, God will place us just where he wants us.


  8. Not sure what your project entails, but you're starting with some lovely fabrics. I find myself time challenged as well when it comes to personal projects. I just completed a sewing project of altering my son's shower curtain and I felt proud as a peacock for actually completing one project on a list too long to count LOL I'm blog hopping today and I found my way here from Susie Harris...it's been a pleasure visiting!
