What's in a Name ?

What's in a name ? Southern Queen Bee..... My name is Melissa , which is Greek for "HONEY BEE". Then you guessed it, I live in the South, and of course, I like to think I am the Queen of the house, but really my daughter is..

Ever wonder where in the world did someone get their blog name? Well I wonder , how did they get that name. What does it mean to them ? Did they think of that , or did someone give them the idea ? Please drop me a note.... What's the story behind your blog name ????


  1. Thanks for stopping by for a visit and for your kind comment.

    I originally began my journey through the land of blog as a way of keeping friends up to date on our plans to relocate from FL to KY - thus the name "Kentucky Bound". Hopefully in the not too distant future, I'll have to get creative and change the name!


  2. Good question...I think I'll do a psot on it!

  3. Not much of a story on my blog name.... Yu know it! Sure do miss you a lot. Guess when this life of mine slows down we can head on over to Miss. and see your new weekend cottage retreat... That sounds so neat...Will have to make you some tassels when you pick out what decor your going with. Any ideas? Call me.... Your Sister

  4. just watched the bee movie and thought about you, hehe love ya

  5. Great photo of the bumblebee.

    Wonderful question too about blog names. I often wonder that myself as I stop in on various sites.

    I picked mine (celebrate CREATIVITY in all its forms) because I have so many hobbies much to the chagrin of my husband. This name is a great umbrella to incorporate a little of everything that I love to do.

  6. Cant wait till this weekend. Im soooo looking forward to it. Make sure you bring the good magazines. I miss just getting to hang out with you. I hate calling in the evenings cause I know you are busy. Anyway looking forwrd to spending some sista time. dont forget your camera, who knows what could happen! :) Sista

  7. Thank you for stopping by. Nicholas Sparks is my all time favorite a friend of mine got me started when The Notebook was first released and I have been hooked ever since. The last one I read was At First Sight and swore off of his books forever(obviously those were my female hormones talking) now I am getting ready to start The Choice this sounds so corny but it has taken me almost a year to be able to read after At First Sight, I am one of those people who get attached to the characters and you will definately know what I mean when you read it. Warning...you will need lots of tissue. Hope to talk to you soon I love your blog layout. Nice meeting you, Paula

  8. I like your blog name, and especially like to hear of a Queen Melissa! I came up with my title because I hope that anyone who stops by will find a little loveliness -- whether a photo, recipe, devotional or craft idea --to brighten their day.
