Bargain Books & A Free Give Away

I hate to pay full price for a book. Now when I am out bargain hunting
(which I don't get to do very often) I head straight for the books. I really should stop because I have more books than I will ever get to read. I picked up these three at a garage sale last Friday. Look at the different subect ranges of my sweet little find...the small book is Emily Dickinsons' Poems. This is sad, but I don't even know how to do embroidery...some day I may learn and I will have the book. LOL
Leave me a comment and I will draw a name and drop the book 'Winds of Change' in the mail to the winner. I plan on reading it this weekend, so I will be able to part with it. Good Luck, and remember to BEE HAPPY, MISSY


  1. My oh my... A new post and a give-away. Can it get any better? You do have your share oh books, dishes too. Finally got little one settled down, ugh. The joys of summer! Susie

  2. I don't even have time to think about reading...much less shopping for books!!! How nice. Hope all is well. Post more...I read your blog!

  3. Yes, please add me to your sidebar, and I will add you to mine. And your contest sounds fun!

  4. 74 years together...... now that is so nice to hear in this day and age!!What a wonderful life they must have had!
    What a great giveaway!! Sign me up!

  5. Hi
    I was just poking around blogland and came across you. Just in time for a giveaway. How perfect! I love books and am always finding bargain ones too. Please add my name to the list. I'd love to win it.

  6. Ah, you are like me. I head for the books every time. While my friends are scarfing up linens and barkcloth, I am turning pages. Definitely count me in this one!
    miles of smiles,
