Cell Phone Crazy

Need a new cell phone ?

Buyer beware or maybe it is just me stepping out into the REAL world.

I always get my kids junk phone cause when an upgrade comes along they want the new bells and whistles (well ring and beep).

I lost my phone at the camp, so I had to get a new one.

Can I tell you people it is like buying a dang car. The sales person tries to rope you in on every

feature available to the cellphone kingdom.

The phone I wanted ,Blackberry Pearl ...sales person said I had to have Internet to get that one.. Well can't afford that with a kid in college and a 15 year old boy about to embark on the road called INSURANCE. So one hour and twenty min.s into only a one hour lunch break , I walked out with see photo above... My son informed me it might be to hard for me to figure out, so I should give it to him and take his old phone. NO WAY ....I might be old, but I want to look cool in the new year too...


  1. I loved your post. My phone is, ahem, an older one. I felt much better after watching Sex in the City when Carrie could not figure out Samantha's phone. Reason, I found a student's phone and when it suddenly rang I did not even know how to answer the thing. Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
    Hugs ~ Alexandra

  2. Hi, Missy. Thanks for visiting me yesterday.

    I like your new phone. I've had mine for at least 6 years. I'm afraid when it goes, I won't now how to figure out the latest/coolest edition.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.


  3. i have something for you at my blog! :)

  4. The sales people can be so irritating! I love your new phone, it is cool looking! Now you just need to figure it out. I still haven't learned how to text.....for shame!

    Have a great day!

  5. And who has that phone now??? Love ya too!

  6. LOL. My hubby's a former cell phone salesman, so I sent him when I lost my 10 year old phone last week. He said he had to flat out tell the guy to stop upselling and give him the dang free phone. I'm not picky--I just want to be able to call home if I break down. Lol. So, free phone, under $30/mo. and free calls to dh's work cell. Perfect.
