Silly Shopping

Sometimes, You Just Have To Bee Silly To See A Smile

The weather has been so nasty the last three weekends.
We decided to stay home from the camp. So Brit (my 20 year old daughter) took the opportunity to get me to go shopping with her. For those of you who really don't know me yet, I am not a big shopper...Susie my sister at Bienvenue got all the shoppin DNA.
Ok I made it through Target, Kohls, and a new store to me, TJ Max. I then called in Susie and little Madison to meet up with us. Shopping is more fun in numbers. They met up with us at the BIG mall and after three hours everyone was cranky.

Out Comes THE SILLY SISTERS...That made the girls laugh.
But I heard Brit say
"MOM you are too old to act like that!"


Actually I think I am gonna go back and get us the hats in the first picture. Doesn't Susie look great?

Even Madison jumped in to bee silly


  1. Oh no you didnt!!!! Oh well I see you just did I will just laugh..and laugh hard~ Those are the memories that I will cherish forever~

  2. Oh, what a fun way to spend an afternoon!!!


  3. It looks like y'all had a wonderful time! The hats look marvelous on all of you!

  4. Those hats are great! Y'all could wear them for Easter! : )

  5. How fun - I love a good laugh like that. Those hats are too pretty. I wish I had somewhere to wear one like that! When I lived in London all the women wore them to weddings at church in our neighborhood and us girls used to go peek at the fashionistas all dressed up!

  6. I'm not usually a hat kind of girl, but those first ones are spectacular. Surely, us southern belles should be able to find the right place to wear them. They just scream "old south"! You and Susie are just plain adorable, by the way. Aren't sisters the most amazing gift ever? I have 3 and they are my world. Looks like a fun day!


  7. You and Susie rock those hats. Me never. I'd look like a goof. Glad y'all had fun shopping. Like Susie, I have lots of shopping DNA, too. I just don't have the money I'd like to go with that shopping DNA! :)

  8. LOL I love the pictures AND the hats!! It is nice to be able to laugh.

    {{Big Hugs}}


  9. You both look like Southern Belles. How fun11

  10. I think you all look great in hats. Not everyone does. Don't you need an Easter bonnet? Mimi

  11. The hats are wonderful!!! Love those....

  12. You are NEVER too old to be silly! My kids will just have to suffer through with me! Something about being with my family, though...well, it makes me even sillier I think...and I like that just fine. There is way too much time to be serious and deal with the responsibilities of a family!
