This post is for my sister who is feeling hurt..

Becoming Real

Once you are REAL you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always.

- Margery Williams

One of the ways we become Real without too much discomfort is by growing gradually into our authenticity. As you learn to trust the wisdom of your heart and make creative choices based on what you know is right for you, process becomes progress. You become not only Real to those who know and love you , but Real to everyone. You become authentic.
Sue you are Real to all your blogging friends...Ask your self who are you blogging for? the ones who take time to comment and purchase you art, or for that one blogger who brings you down and never comments to you? I don't need to tell you to think about it , you know in your heart you are REAL and IT LASTS ALWAYS
Have a great day ...your sister


  1. I'm so sorry if Susie got hurt.....I admit I am clueless about what happened.....but I hope she will be able to ignore whatever happened and enjoy the good things about bloggy friends.


  2. I love ya Miss! I hate not being able to share all of my feelings out there to everyone but if I did it would just start a mess Im not wanting to get into. I think my point was made and I now know who my true friends are. I know you told me so but I had to go all the way to Blissdom and back to find out the hard and expensive way. I guess I need to brush myself off and move on. thanks Missy...I love you~

  3. I am clueless about whatever happened to your sister. My family is very close and the way you are responding to her problem has raised..."territorial" feelings in me. Nobody better mess with my sisters! I love how she is handling whatever it is with grace! She will rise above. I love her blog and so do so many others! Your sister seems so genuinely nice. Good luck to you guys both!

  4. Oh my goodness. You and Susie were the kindest, most REAL people we met in Nashville! Heathahlee and I are so planning a trip to Canton in the fall just to meet up with her again.

    I had no idea hurtful stuff was going around, so if Susie comes back and reads comments here, Susie just know that Heathahlee and I Love You!

  5. I just LOVE your sister Susie and I so want to meet her in real life!!!! I hate that someone out there is being snotty and petty to her!!

  6. Poor Susie, I'm sure this will encourage her! I am convinced that those who beat others down to raise themselves up know in their hearts that it's wrong. Those who are authentic can live in peace and that's worth more than any dollar amount!
    Thanks for this!!

  7. You are a wonderful sister to a wonderful person! You are both lucky to have each other!!

    {{Big Hugs}}


  8. What's not to love about a sister loving her sister?! Whatever is going on, I'm always happy to have a sister to support me like you are supporting your sister.

    Yay for sisters!!

  9. Way to go sister. I have three sisters and I would stand right by their side and comfort them in times of need.

    Have a Happy Day


  10. I am freaking out cause all of a sudden when Bienvenue is showing on my new posts it shows the blog is open only to invited readers.

  11. Hi, could you pass a message along to Miz Susie for me please? I missed a day reading and while having dinner in front of the computer reading about what was going on she must have changed her blog to private. I feel so bad for her because she's always ALWAYS has been so very nice and kind to me and supportive, leaving sweet comments. I just wanted her to know that I think dearly of her and I hope she'd consider putting me on the list of invited readers to her blog cause I'd sure miss her down home & full of class wisdom and creative decorating ideas if she didn't let me read *smiles* Bottom line I truly feel so bad for her and I hope she doesn't let this stop her from being the geniune and true sweet spirit that she is. And also please tell her that any time she'd like to go to Hobby Lobby count me in! Yes I know I'm a bunch of states away but I can dream right? *smiles* Miss you Miz Susie! Big Hugs!

  12. I'm sorry to leave a note for your sister on your blog but like those before me I noticed that she has set hers to private.

    I understand and completely respect her desire to do so. I just wanted to let her know that in the short time I was able to read her blog, I truly enjoyed it and the fact that she took the time to respond to my comments and show a genuine interest in those reading what she wrote.

    I hope that she finds peace and happiness with or without a 'public' blog and knows that either way she has a 'fan' and a 'friend' in Florida.

  13. We went to visit and your sister's blog was gone. We wanted to email her and now that's gone too. Could you send us her email?

  14. There is nothing in this whole wide world like having the love and support of a sister. You are blessed to have each other.

    You both so kind to us when our father passed away and it truly touched our hearts across blogland.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you both now.

    blessings, kari & kijsa

    blessings, kari & kijsa

  15. Like a couple of other ladies, I also noticed that Susie's blog was set to private. If she is accepting readers, I would love to be added. I hate to leave that on your blog, but since I have no way of contacting her and since this post of yours was about your sis, I didn't think you would mind.

    Thanks so much!

  16. What an encouraging sister you are! Jackie

  17. Please, oh please tell Susie that my heart breaks for her. I feel so bad that she feels the need to close her blog. I hope it's just a temporary thing.
    I'm so glad she has you for a sister to help her through this time of ugliness.
    Please give her my love.

  18. Susie is so lucky to have a sister like you to lean on. I'm sad that she was hurt but how wonderful for her to have you to work it out with!
