
I can hardly keep my eyes open...Is it just me, am I a wimp or
has the clock whipped up on anyone else this week?

I wanted to get to bed early, but you know I had to jump on here and visit.

Can I hear an AMEN that the weekend is almost here.


  1. AMEN!!!! I have a hard time with this time change too. I know I will eventually get used to it....just takes a while.♥

  2. It has been SO hard for me this time around! And why I chose last week of all weeks to quit caffeine? Dumb! I am wishing I doubled check the calendar before that bad decision. Looking forward to some Saturday morning sleeping in! (till my 1 yr old wakes me up anyhow!)

  3. Amen and Amen and Amen. I just said to my husband before I sat down at the computer this morning, "It's 6:30 and it seems like it's 4:00 in the morning or something." He agreed. The time change is so kicking our rear.

  4. amen, sistah.......and poor Kristen....no caffeine to get you thru this week????? lawsy!
    Have a great weekend, and enjoy a nap! :)


  5. Amen...sister! Im so ready for this weekend.. you know it might rain. Does that mean you can come out and play?... miss you

  6. I don't know...my weekends tend to be busier than my weekdays! : )

    And I kept wondering why I was so tired at 8:00 last night...I'm STILL not over the time change!

  7. I am not liking the time change. I can't seem to get anything done before the day is over

  8. The time change always makes me exhausted. Also staying up til midnight to blog may have something to do with it. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Mimi

  9. Well, I am ready for the weekend but they are usually busier than the week but I am ready!

    Enjoy yours!
    sandy toe
