And the winner is...

What a great day to announce a winner... the day after Mothers Day. The winning cabinet knob is....

The top one. The bottom white and brass is the old one. I am going for a French Country style. Now on to the really important winner.

The winner of the famous stolen tassel is... Laura , a retired school teacher. Her blog is White Spray Paint. Isn't that just the catchiest name? If you enjoy gardening stop by for a visit and let her know I sent you over. .

Just an update the kitchen is moving along. I found the answer to my problem.
Seems Mr. Owner and I belong to the same high school alumni internet site. I know he would not want pictures of his work posted on there!! Mr. Owner sent someone over to work on my counter tops. The island turned out GREAT. The rest passed my inspection. Tomorrow they will be back to install the sink. Susie will be here, I can't miss work. But those of you that know her, know she is gonna make sure it is done perfect. Thanks in advance Susie, I owe ya....


  1. ...congrats to laura and i love the name of her cool. glad your counters turned out just right...funny how it's a small world! i'm sure susie will bring the whip! lol, xo, mickey

  2. I'm so glad it's getting fixed and you will have what you wanted! See, if you hadn't stood up for yourself it would not be right, and he would have gotten away with it! :P (that's me sticking my tongue out at him, hee hee)

    And congrats to Laura! (I'm not at all jealous...)

  3. Yay for the counter tops :)

    All the best,

  4. It sure is funny how things work out. Could you please email me at thelandoffoo(@)msn(.)com for Pay it Forward. Thanks

  5. I'm glad it got fixed, and have come to learn that most of the time the problems trickle down from the top. Way to go on demanding they fix the problem. Can't wait to see it all done. I just know it is gonna be fabulous!

  6. Missy, glad you are getting your countertops all fixed to your satisfaction. I never did understand what it was, a crack or what? But, no matter, glad it is remedied and you'll get your sink in. I was breathing a sigh of relief when mine was totally completed, down to the faucet installation. And now I absolutely LOVE my new granite.

  7. I'm sure that's a relief. Congrats on the new countertops!

  8. Congrats to the winner...I'm only slightly jealous! And thank goodness for sisters. You KNOW they always have your back. Can't wait to see the kitchen finished.


  9. Hope all is working out well with your fabulous new kitchen. Remodels are so traumatic. Hang in there it will all turn out beautifully. Love the knobs you chose.
