FAG (Fabricholic Anonymous Group)

I had to go this morning to the bank that is located in our local Walmart. I don't go there but maybe once a month or so.
Well today I fell off the wagon. For those of you that don't know , I am not allowed near ANY fabric departments. I have an addiction to it. Have tons of the stuff. I am starting a local Fabricholic Anonymous Group.

What happened next really is not my fault. Walmart is closing the department. ALL fabric is 80% OFF....There was not much left, but I could not stop myself. Look at what I got....

Love this bright rooster fabric. I bought what was left on the bolt.
Won't this make the cutest aprons, place mats , table runner, the ideas are endless...
Even though the department was picked over there must have been about ten ladies. We all stood and talked while waiting to get our bargains cut. You know you are an addict when you are checking out their buggy to see what they snatched up. I even tried to listen to their conversations to get ideas.

I did find my mean girl side of me today, and yes I felt bad for whole minute ...this trim was marked to .40 cents a yard. The lady cutting fabric could not believe how cheap when she scanned it . She said she wanted some. I told her sorry, don't take the plastic off, I want ALL 12 yards. She gave me a ugly look. But when you are addicted you could care less what looks you get.
This is some cute flannel...don't know what I'm gonna do with it, but had to have it.

Got 2 yards of each of these. The lady behind me wanted what was left. She is going to make pillow cases and boxers for her grandsons. I know now I need to get busy making stuff with all this. It really is not a bargain unless I use it. If I could have just walked past and looked the other way....Well I did not pay full price for any of it, I know it is a poor excuse when you are a FAG (Fabricholic Anonymous Girl).
Are you a FAG?
Have you ever bought fabric that you did not even know what you are gonna make with it?


  1. Yes, shamefully I too am a "FAG".. I have closets full of neatly hung fabic.. all sorted by fabic type and then color and then amount left. I have bolts and bolts of muslim, some are bleached, some tea dyed, some 96" and some 24".

    I have scraps and snips and old jeans (which by the way I make the cutiest aprons out of) well just too much fabic or maybe not enought...

    and now Missy if you could locate a "TAG".. (thread anonymous group).. I too would be apart of this.

    Whew.. I feel sooo much better coming out of my.. ah.. fabic closet here!

    Say.. I think we could get a group.. start a new blog and have exchanges and 'trade shows'.. and meet once a year to discuss our wee lil' problem!

  2. Hi Missy
    It's an addiction that all of us quilters have. Oh well!
    Enjoy your fabric.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  3. Oh, I am envious from afar, and I haven't sewn anything for quite some time.....my mom was a FAG, and I am one, too.......my word, what bargains you found, and all for a trip to the bank.....sigh. :)


  4. Cute post. Yes I am a FAG. I have yards and yards and can't seem to pass up any fabric store without wandering through it. I can't wait to see what all you do with theis beautiful fabric. Hugs, Marty

  5. Love the post but I am not a FAG....I don't know how to sew! Although, it is on my list of things to do!

  6. OH YES, I belong to the FAG hall of shame. You scored some great finds! I wish Walmart would not close their material departments. I found some great buys there thru the years.
    Your kitchen looks awesome, you did a great job!

  7. Thank you for your precious comments on my "Miracle" post. I had instant tears about your brother. We witnessed many who did not receive the same miracle during his months of rehab and it always brought me to my knees. My heart aches for you and your family. I will keep you in prayer and like you I often wonder. Hugs, Marty

  8. Absolutely!! I hit up the sale section of Joann's when they marked everything to $3 a yd. I bought stuff I have no idea where to use, but it it beautiful. Cute cowboy flannel! I've bought bolts at Walmart before. They gave me dirty looks too, but who cares...it's so cheap!! Great finds :)


  9. Yes ma'am I will be signing up for your support group! :o) I am new to sewing and never quite understood the obsession, well, that has all changed! I love fabric! :o) The cowboy flannel, I purchased a while back and made a rag quilt with other flannels for a baby that was born in our church. :o) His baby room was all rodeo/cowboy style!
    I laughed when you mentioned about looking to see what others bought! :o) I get just as happy for others as I do me when we come across a bargain like that! :o)
    Enjoy your new fabric!! :o)
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  10. I haven't been to our WalMart fabric department for a while so now I'll have to go and see if they are closing ours and see what bargains I can get. Do you sew? I have a sewing machine I have never used because what I call "the guts" that holds the bobbin thingie fell out. We have a sewing place in town and I need to have her show me how to use my machine...sometime!

    I can't wait to see what you do with all the fabric and your new kitchen. Yes I have purchased fabric that I have done nothing with...

  11. I have a sewing machine but never have really used it. I think I need to "learn" because fabrics are just so NEAT!!! My problem is I don't have a dedicated space to use my sewing machine....so I would have to set it up then take it down and I am kinda lazy......

  12. I have heard that Walmart was closing their fabric stores, but not the one near us. What great deals you were able to get! Love the roosters!

  13. Girl, you are cracking me UP!

    Yes, our Wal-mart is closing our fabric dept. too. I got some muslin and some voile to use in a couple of things, but other than that I resisted temptation, but it was only 50% off. : )

  14. My name is Mandi, and I am a FAG. Is that how we are gonna start the meeting? HA! I buy fabric constantly and have several bins of it in my garage, but I love having it on hand when I figure out what to do with it. No shame in my game!

  15. Apparently, I am a FAG too! Girl, you are too funny. is it bad that I have this addiction and I do not even sew? I aspire to be like the Nester, so I just Mis-treat all my fabric.


  16. LOL I work at HL as dept head of fabric, what do you think? I bet I'm the biggest "FAG" of them all! *smiles*

  17. uhhhh... you certainly got my attention with the title of your post! I used to sew many of my own clothes and would buy fabric with the intention of making something.. Alas, I stopped sewing and started buying more ready-mades, so I don't buy fabric anymore. I started doing some crafting a few years back, but sadly that went the way of my sewing, as well.... I guess am now a TAG, thrifter anonymous! and a BAG, bargain anonymous! Anyway, liked your post. Sue p.s. I wouldn't share my finds either, bad looks or not!!
