No Inspiration

No Inspiration Friday ... While at a seminar for work I noticed after lunch that I had six missed calls from my daughter. I excused my self to go and call her. She informed me that a classmate from high school had passed away. She was so up set I hurried home. This was a boy who had been in her class since second grade. She adored him. His parents only have him and his sister, she is graduating from high school this month. They are a very close family. You know there are some children that you NEVER see the parents, but both of his parents were at every school event, football games, field trips. My heart is just breaking for them. Two other teenagers passed away that were very close to my daughter in the last 8 months, now this. She is also trying to write a ten page/three thousand word essay for a final in an education class. She also needs me to edit that for her.

So I hope you understand, I always search for the perfect thing to post on Fridays, but I just don't feel up to it....Maybe next week I will have new pictures of the remodel, have a great weekend everyone and please pray for his family.


Anonymous said...

What you have asked for is done.

I send my warmth wrapped in the wind your way.. just have her step outside.

May she glean off her memories and grow as we are intended to grow..

yes this is "Inspiration Friday" to me.

kisses an hugs with love

Kat said...

Yes. It is inspiration to remember and to be reminded that life is short so enjoy every minute and to think of others over yourself....

"Blossom" said...

My prayers are with you, your daugher and this family.

Twice as Nice said...

I know what you are going through. My son's friend and his brother were in an accident this past September. My son's friend was driving and they think he fell asleep at the wheel. His brother died. It was so heartbreaking. I'll say a prayer for all of you.

Darlene said...

I'll say a prayer for your daughter and the family that lost their son. You never know how much time you have with a loved one and many times it is just not enough.

Amy said...

I am so sorry to hear that...especially for your daughter. What a tough time for her especially when this is a moment in a Senior's life. My prayers go out to you today.

Inspiration...I'm going to hug my children a little more today!

Made In The South said...

Thank you all for being such great friends...huggs

Shaam said...

That is quite sad, I can sympathize. Same thing happened to me all through high school. She is getting lots of love sent from blogland. All the best to you both.


April said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog today :D

Right now the wait time for a new blog design is about six weeks!

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Oh sweet Missy...I'll be praying for that boy's family and for your precious daughter. She has been through much too much loss lately.

Love and hugs ~ AManda

Amber Filkins said...

Oh, so sad. That is so hard to process and deal with as a teenager. So sorry for the boy's family.

Popping over from your guest post at Susie's. Just wanted to let you know that you put the wrong url in over there. I had to go in and try, then it worked. You may wanna change it, I'm sure you'll have LOTS of people trying to pop over. :)

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Miss.... for all you do! I love you~

RootsAndWingsCo said...

What a hard thing for a High Schooler to deal with. I am 15 years out of High School and just found out that a Boy I went to high school with just died. It still seems like he was too young! Hard to hear when these things happen! I wish you luck in helping your daughter deal with this.
