Where's the fork?

If you have five minutes, you can make this dessert that looks like it took all afternoon. I had a few friends over friday night and needed a quick dessert. All I needed to do was pick up an Angel food cake, cool whip, pudding and blueberries. I mixed the pudding with milk and folded in a little whipped topping. I then cut the cake in half, dolloped the pudding on, then replaced the top of the cake. Dollop on more pudding and blueberries. I wanted to add strawberries, but the ones at the store did not look to pretty. Whala you have a dessert that looks and tastes great. When I pulled it out everyone was amazed.


  1. What a quick, delicious dessert.

    Thanks for a great recipe,


  2. That loooks sooooo good.. so simple too.. Thanks for sharing. You should add this to the blog hop.. tonights theme for the week is recipes.. this would be a great one for everyone to know about.

  3. What a fabulous idea. I love it. It does look so pretty too. I bet it was delicious. Hugs, Marty

  4. ...oh my goodness...i love anything with blueberries. we picked them growing wild in nova scotia last summer...so delicious! i can't wait to try this! xo, mickey

  5. Easy peasy yummy!! and pretty, too. Glad you shared, Sue

  6. YUM...this I must try! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Everyone needs desserts like this in their arsenal. Looks delicious.

  8. Ummmm, yes please...hand me the fork!

    That looks DIVINE!

  9. save me a piece please.. yummers!

  10. Yes ladies....it was good as it looks! Yum. Had fun and hope to do it again real soon. Love ya~

  11. YUM that does look easy and delicious!!

  12. Is this a post about a dessert or a tease about that new kitchen?Ha. I can't wait to see it!

  13. Sounds great, will have to try this one out, thanks for sharing x
