Country Girl, City Bus, Have I Lost My Mind?

You know me gotta have a picture of a bee...
Good morning and HELLO SEATTLE... This is our agenda for the day. We are going downtown to catch a ferry to Bainbridge Island. There my dad will pick us up, this saves him about an hour in drive time.
I had this bright idea for us to ride the city bus to downtown.
Do I know what bus to take? No!
I see people riding buses all the time on t.v. It just looks like the city thing to do. Luggage, no big deal it rolls. CRAZY IDEA !!! Heck there goes a bus, I am not going to scream for it to wait on us. (True southern ladies do not scream in public.) That is a picture of me waiting for the next one. There are many people on the bus, but I nabbed us a seat. Oh this luggage is a pain in the butt. People trying to get on and off. Also I love this picture, it shows me how bad that shirt looks on me. YUCK.

Look at that view. Oh and the weather is beautiful. Sunny and cool. Gosh we are so lucky, I 've always heard that it is dreary and raining here. This is the famous Pike Market. Thank goodness this is downhill with all of our luggage.

Wow, if I only had a way to get some of these fresh veggies and fruit back home with us.

Well, lets head over to the dock to catch the ferry.. Here is a little alley without too many people.

Oh my is that GUM on the wall? YES IT IS GUM!!! GROSS all over the wall.

LOTS and LOTS of gum. Click on this picture to get a real feeling of just how much gum is there.

No, I am not adding my gum to the walls. Do any of you have any idea why people do this? Feel free to share the reason behind it. Well after looking at it a moment, it really is not that bad. In fact it is quite colorful. Smell it, I am not gonna smell it ,would you smell it ?....

Got our ticket for the ferry. Hope you don't get sea sick.

The city is just beautiful from this view. The ferry's horn is so loud. Gettin chilly, have to put my sweater on, it is a little to breezy for this southern girl.

, Not a cloud in the sky. Can you see the Space Needle? Sorry just not enough time to get by and see it. Maybe next time.

Breathtaking... I could not even imagine living with these views everyday. I checked out the little real estate book, the houses in this area sell for one mill and upwards. (Coldwell Banker).

Dad has gotten tied up in traffic, so we can walk around the little town of Winslow. How about some ice cream? This looks like a great place to sit and try their special today, Lavender Ice Cream. Ice Cream sure makes up for this crappy shirt I am wearing. This has nothing to do with a trip to Seattle, but dressing room mirrors lie. Before you go somewhere, take a picture and see what the outfit looks like..LOL

Mora Iced Creamery


I can not go to any town and not look for fabric. I found this great shop called Esther's Fabrics.

They have been keeping Bainbridge Island sewing since 1959.

These little bunnies are so cute. The shops web address is . I love the the little cart with fabric. Her shop has such a great selection. Ribbons, buttons, and lots of patterns.

Stay tuned...Dad has found us roaming the streets of this precious town.


  1. I felt like I was right along with ya! Maybe nextime~ Your shirt looked just fine too!

  2. You look pretty as can be!!!
    I have always wanted to go on a trip up I have vicariously through you!!!
    I do not get that gum wall either:)!

  3. Welcome to the Pacific Northwest! And yes indeed you are getting our fabulous September weather! Now I have been up to Seattle many times. And I have NEVER saw the Gum wall! LOL. That is disgusting. Have a fabulous trip! And thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. you're so close to me!!!

    Isn't Seattle just the best most prettiest city you've EVER seen? I have to say I've never lived in a more beautiful place!

    I hope you had a swell time and so happy the weather was nice for you...because when it's fun for warm blankets and coffee...but after a few days it gets old! Love your pictures!

  5. Looks like a great trip. I'm with you in wanting to find a great fabric store when I travel. When we visited Savannah in the spring, I found a cute little fabric store that had just closed for the day. So every time I think about going back, that fabric store will be a priority. Drink lots of coffee and have a great time!

  6. ...what fun and what a gorgeous place. have a great time, you brave city bus ridin' country girl! xo, mickey

  7. The pictures are beautiful....well, except for the gum...gross!! Sounds like you are having a fabulous time!

  8. Dear Missy..

    Can you come home?



    ps.. or just take me along with you next time you leave. Great adventures for a day.. so where is supper at?

  9. You seriously are cracking me up! "True southern ladies do not scream in public." Love it!

    And gum on the wall? ICK! Someone probably just stuck a piece of gum there and the next person came by and did the same thing, and so on, and so on. But it's still GROSS!

    I would love to go to that part of the country. I've never been that far northwest. It is so beautiful in the pictures! Can't wait to see more!

  10. Welcome to Seattle!!! It IS always dreary and raining here but we've had some pretty decent weather here you came at a good time.

    The gum wall..ah yes....the kids have stuck their gum there somewhere....

    I've never had the lavender ice cream but it sounds wonderful...there are quite a few lavender farms here in WA.


  11. I have never rode the bus in Seattle, even though we visit there often for family. Though my FIL has taken it every day to work and back for almost thirty years! Hope you enjoy the lovely weather! Thanks for stopping by my blog
