Children, We're Home

I am back home in the South. I could not resist showing you a few more pictures of a cute little shop that dad took me to visit in Port Angeles. I can almost promise you Susie will be making her version of this bird cage thingy next week.... Really like the look of the lamp on top of the shelf.

I could so kick my own butt for not buying those two baskets that are hanging on the wall. I am going to call her and see if I could get her to send them to me.

Isn't this little goat and cart just the cutest thing you have ever seen? I wanted him really bad, but did not even dare look at the price tag. (Besides I really have no place to keep him.)

This is the Seattle airport. The morning we left it was raining and foggy. We could not even see the runway. Was I scared? You know I was. All was ok, we got above the clouds very quickly and I was fine.

I loved Washington, if you ever get the chance to visit...GO.
TO MY DAD...and I know you read this...
Thanks dad for taking me to once again see the wonderful sites Washington has to offer. I really enjoyed our time together.
Thanks dad for teaching me to always try the unknown. I will never forget how PJ lake nearly killed me and that if a sign says 1/4 mile that it might not necessarily be true.
Thanks for teaching us how to cook fresh salmon, that was so yummy. I think that is my new favorite food!! You should be very proud, your place is looking great. I know you have put alot of time and hard work into your house. I love it there and can not wait to return.
Take care dad, don't work to hard and don't forget the food I left for you in the freezer.


  1. Awweee.. Missy you are so sweet to give thanks and such honor to your Father here. But Dad's are worth it as they try so hard.

    Now as for those baskets.. if you're like me.. you'll call the lady back and order then, pay an arm and leg to have them shipped out. (not like that would ever happen)heehee And do tell, where in the world would you put that goat, that's if you got him of course... near the fireplace?

    Okies okies, all I can say is that I'm sooooo glad that you are back!

  2. Hello! A big thank you for following my blog!
    Greetings from Italy!

  3. Love those baskets you left behind :o(. Twin and I have been looking for something like that for our front door. I love the cone shaped ones with the flat back. Hard to find. So glad you had such a wonderful time and OH THE MEMORIES now that my friend is PRICELESS. Have a great day.

  4. Those baskets ARE great! I love that huge bird cage too. SO many beautiful things in there!

    Glad you have a great trip! Seattle is great. Washington is just beautiful.

  5. You know me well know me all too well!

  6. I adore that bird cage thingy!! I can think of at least 5 places I could put one!!

  7. I'm glad you had such a great trip and time with your dad. =) I love those baskets too, I hope they will ship them to ya.

    I passed on an award to you, if you want to check it on my blog:

  8. I'm so glad you got home safe and sound and that you had a great time!

  9. the next time you are out here...I will take you to the desert part of Washington and we'll go to some amazing antique shops!!!

  10. Ohhhhh... I need to scroll through & see what shop that was & head to it!!!! I won't buy your baskets out from under you, though, I promise. :) Glad you had a great trip! What an awesome tribute to your Dad!

  11. Hey (as we say in the South)...thanks for vising my blog. I've enjoyed yours and I love the pics of that great shop. I love the lamp, baskets and the goat cart too. I'd a had ta snag that lamp! That's great that you had a good time with your Dad cause Dad's are special! Mine passed away 17 years ago and my heart still aches. Well..Check ya later...Susie

  12. P.S. I added myself to your other blog...just so I could be first!!!

  13. Hi~
    I just went through Sequim and into Port Angeles a month or so ago. Don't they have the quaintest little shops there? Even their book store was something to rave about!
    Being I live outside of Seattle I go over that way at least 4 times a year... I love the coastline over past Forks (Ruby beach) -
    It has been our driest summer on record so things aren't as green and beautiful as they usually are.

    Your sister Susie told me a while back that your dad had a place over here~ I'm so glad you got a chance to visit him and see a little bit of Washington!


    P.S. I love your blog and your music!
