The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate
 "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross

May all my friends in the teaching profession have a wonderful start to the new year! 


  1. That a super great quote and what a challenge for teachers. Hugs, Marty

  2. September, for me, always starts with new vigour and excitment, chomping at the bit...2 days in to it and i'll be back to where I felt 2 days before the end of term way back in July ha ha!!! How awful eh?! Good luck too Hun. xxx

  3. Thank you for your well wishes for the new school year! It is nice to know you are thinking of teachers in your blog list. I appreciate the message. I also love the crayon photo.

  4. That is a fabulous quote!!! Teachers are our unsung heros!!!!!!

  5. Even though I only have one student, I appreciate the thought, too! Homeschooling is TOUGH!

  6. Good luck to all! Teachers and students alike!!
    Hope this year is a great one...full of fun and great memories!!
    Have a great day, and I hope you get to do something fun !!

  7. Amen! My brother is a teacher~♥

    Hope you are having a wonderful summer-The leaves are turning yellow on the trees in my back yard!


  8. The two of you are the closest thing to being twins and there is nothing better in life than that! I would love to be going with you two if you didn't live so far away. Twin and I alway have so much fun when we're together. We do nothing but laugh the whole time. Life just doesn't get any better than that. Have a great time and post your treasures!
