So Many Choices...Call Me Goldie

I feel like the little girl in the fable 
Goldie Locks and the Three Bears...
I have to find the window covering that is just right..

This window has been naked since the kitchen remodel and Camo Man does not want to put the Plantation Shutters back up. (he does not want to drill in the tile).

So I searched......and searched...

Blue is my favorite color!
 WoW ....I like that one, but just not right. 

This black is a very safe color, and looks fabulous with the granite. The pattern is great!  
But naww, still not just right.

This is a swatch from the a local design store....steel gray on natural lien, love it!
But at 28.99 a yard  a little out of budget. (By the way the designer told me gray is going to be the next BIG design color, but we already know that because Susie  painted her kitchen cabinets that a few months back!)

Cost..... out of my budget...Not just right!

Hobby Lobby....Love this bought two yards on sale, thought I found the one.
Well the flowers were just not right for the kitchen.
Again,  Not right.... 

Ok...time to get serious...this is the same pattern as the black (photo at top).  Like the  the pattern, no flowers, not overly busy. 
I think this WILL work....Yes, JUST RIGHT!

I have them all sewn together so check back to see how it turns out, Camo Man will be hanging them tonight.


  1. Yeah!!!! I voted for that one too. I did like the black as well but think the one you picked is jussssst right. I cant wait to see them up. Now for the livivng room.... Oh my Lordie :)

  2. Oh I can't wait to see which one you chose!!
    Love the two yards you got a HL!!!
    Love the kitchen you girls have such wonderful style!!
    See ya tomorrow!!

  3. The window is stunning. I love it. Hard to cover it up at all. I really like your final choice. Can't wait to see it up. Hugs, Marty

  4. Oooooh, love all those choices, but the bottom is my favorite! Can't wait to see!

    By the way, thank you so much for your sweet, sweet comment. The encouragement I'm getting from my blog friends helps me make it through the day, and I'm not exaggerating.

  5. Can't wait to see how it turns out!!
    You made a great choice too:)
    Have a great night !

  6. You had some lovely ones to choose from- I love the one you picked and I also love the fabric from Hobby Lobby.
    Thank you for your kind & thoughtful words on my blog. I do love old transferware dishes!
    Take care,

  7. Oh my goodness so many great choices! I love the red one!! Can't wait to see your curtains :)
    P.S.(glad to know I am not alone on trying to make the right choice!)

  8. okay- waiting with bells on....
    hugs, Sue

  9. Hey there..I amwaiting for that reveal!!!
    Did Camo Man get 'em hung???

  10. Love that one too! Can't wait to see how they turn out. The window is BEAUTIFUL!


  11. Love that last one! I can't wait to see what it looks like up! :)
