What's Going On

 No Storms...
Just updating the house...
 New windows that took four months...Lowes and there contractors had to order the windows three times!
Nothing like having them bust out a window, to realize they ordered the wrong sizes!
Not going to bore you with the details...lets just say I was grateful for the dry weather we were having.
 Well what do you do when the window installers mess up the vinyl? 
Perfect time to pull it off and have stucco added.
We live on a busy street...talk about the calls and people stopping to see what we were up to.

 Asked Mr. Stucco Man if I could take his picture...he wanted to model for me...HAHA

 Progress was very slow...
 Will post the finished pictures tomorrow. 
 YEAH we have rain this morning and cooler temps on the way. Its been very dry and in the 80's.
(Still no kitchen curtains to share)


  1. Mr. stucco man is too funny. Your house looks great....now let's see those curtains ;)

  2. Wow! I love the look of Stucco! You must be so excited! Can't wait to see more pictures! Mr Stucco Man seems like he is enjoying having his photo taken!

  3. Is that chaps 'tash painted on??? Hee hee. Bless him. He's FAMOUS across the pond now tell him!

    I have to say, your house is AMAZING!!! Could I come to stay? hee hee. Glad all is sorted for you. xxxx

  4. You inspire me. Making lemonade out of lemons :)
    I'm happy for you that the weather has stayed warm, and enabled the work to progress.
    So far, it looks terrific!
    Looking forward to seeing the final results !

  5. The house looks wonderful!
    Love the windows (I can say that because they look alot like mine!)
    I think if your sister comes up to Washington you should come too!
    Coffee's on me!


  6. Beautiful House! I also have a curtain project but I have yet to figure out what I want to do! Can't wait to see your home all finished up. :)
