What Makes A Great Sister

This is a repost, thought I would share it with Susie's friends...like her header states
"Where friends become Family"

What makes a Great sister....

1. Knowing she will loan you her clothes, even though I am too big to fit in them (maybe that is why she said I could borrow them).

2. Picks up your sick kids when you can't. Usually they puke on her...

3. She can handle it when you confess that six months ago she made you mad, lets you chew her out. And then she states that she is sorry, she did not know.

4. When you think your husband has burned his last bridge after 21 years. She reminds you that he is like a brother to her and tells you stories of why you loved him to begin with. She is great because she picked a Great husband as well...

5. Talks to you on your drive home from work (45 min.) I look forward to the drive CrAzY huh?

6. Will celebrate your 40th Birthday not in Vegas, Paris, Rio...but at a hunting camp, joking in a deer stand (neither of us could shoot anything did not have a gun). Birthday there so the entire family could be together. Worst yet, located 50 miles from nearest Wal-Mart craft dept. Hobby Lobby...No one has even heard of them there..

7. Allows your dog to come in her house, even though he poops on her livingroom floor EVERY time he goes to visit.

8. I could go on for ever....Most of all is that she makes ME feel like the Greatest Sister, when actually it is HER !!



  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my little blog and leaving such a sweet comment! Miz Susie is a total sweetheart, love her! Such a great talent all wrapped up in charm and grace.

    Your post about sisters is a lovely tribute, sounds like you have a wonderful relationship, one to treasure. You are blessed indeed. Hope you have a wonderfully blessed weekend!

  2. Great post. We all need our sisters. I wish I lived a little closer to mine.

    I was wondering if you do the house blessing in any colors? You can email me at reneemccr@aol.com



  3. Your post melted my heart. So real and so genuine! The two of you are indeed blessed to be so close! I admire your relationship!
    Thank you for leaving a message about your own experience with your chickens loosing their feathers. I was getting worried there! The new feathers are growing in, they look SO strange! Also, we are getting one egg aday ... it's a start! :o)
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  4. I know what you mean about sisters; I would be lost without mine. It's hard though because she lives 325 miles away!

    Have fun on your road trip!

  5. What a great post! I think you and your sister are such amazing people, you sound a lot like me and my sister! :)

  6. I just read Susie's post...Yup, your sis is right you have a beautiful home that needs to be shared. Especially your decorating talents!

    Sweet Wishes,

  7. I have been a regular reader of Susie's and she really sounds like a wonderful sister. I am fortunate to have a wonderful sister too! She gave us a little tour of your house, and it is great! Thanks to both of you for sharing. Jackie

  8. Love the blog! Saw a link to your blog on your sister's post, another blog I follow religiously. Thanks for some great stuff, good inspiration and good writing. Hope you don't mind if I continue to stop by once in a while...

  9. Came by from your sisters blog. I don't have a sis but you have a great one. We would love to see more of your home. pam

  10. You are lucky to have a sister like Susie - she is so talented and sweet! I always wished that I had one!

  11. How sweet is this post??? I can totally realte because I have 3 sisters just like her. What a blessing!

  12. EDIT:
    No, I cannot realte. But I CAN, however relate. Also, I can't spell.

  13. Well, I now am privileged to know that SHE has a great sister, too! I loved the deer camp one! Made me LOL!
