The Real Story (Blissdom09)

Ok have you had your coffee or dr.pepper yet?
These pictures can be shocking to some, but I wanted to show you

Yes we have already called for towels...they were brought up right away.

Look at these messy beds. Comfy...oh yeah the best nights sleep in a long time.

Even though I am keeping it REAL, Sue would not let be take a pic. of her getting ready, caught this in the mirror.

Look at these big pillows...four per bed
Sue working...while I rest...

and how flippin cool is this ...they brought a fish to our room ...yes indeedie

Stay tuned for more REAL STORY....


  1. WHO brought a fish to blissdom???? And I couldn't go????? ;-)

  2. So nice to meet you two! Love this post. Have fun...

    Josh and Rebecca

  3. Looks like a relaxing sister's get away!!!!

  4. Looks like fun but why would you have an uncooked fish brought to your room?

    Please explain...

  5. Looks like you guys are having a great time. And to think I use to only live 2 hours from Nashville.

  6. Hey! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. So, you are the sister of the famous and fabulous Susie Harris, huh? Cool. I'd bet alot of money that you are equally as fabulous! Nice to meet you.


    p.s. I am totally jealous of all the gals that went to Blissdom. I'm already looking forward to next year!

  7. Hey girfriend! Im ready to pack this car back up and head out into another adventure...oh wait. I have to do laundry,ugh. I had so much fun Miss~ You know this is just another to ass to our nook of road trips. Thank you so much for supporting me and coming along. I wouldnt have gone without ya!

  8. You had a fish in your room?! They didn't offer me one, so they must've given all of them out already, darnit.

    I had so much fun with you girls at BlissDom. Loved meeting you!! :-)
