Inspiration Friday

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born

until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world

is born. - Aniais Nin

Have I said lately, thanks for being my blogging friend?

This has opened a whole new world for me and I value

each one of your friendships....Have a great friday.


(This picture was taken last weekend at the cottage/camp.)


  1. Missy, you are just an absolute sweetheart! I am so glad we "met" and became blogging buddies. I never thought for a second that blogging would be so life changing for me, but it has a good way. I am so thankful for the friendships I've forged, and blessed to have such wonderful women in my life!

    Happy Weekend ~ Amanda

  2. Love that picture! I see the bee too. So glad that we were able to spend some time there and Im looking forward to our next trip. Maybe next we can boil some crawdaddies~!!!!!

  3. I'm latte for your Inspriation Friday but I loved it and I loved the picture. BEAUTIFUL!

    {{Big Hugs}}


  4. Hey Missy. I too love how blogging makes you feel. It does change your world. I love the way you get to see things through other peoples eyes as well as your own. And I love when people comment on something that you write because that's when you know they are your friends.
