CROCS...Can't Take Them Off

I received these crocs this week. They were a part of the swag gifts at Blissdom .
I put them on the minute I get in from work and wear 'em till
I jump in the bed. Do you own a pair of Crocs?
Tell me what style you have and what you think of them. I will put your name in for a drawing for a free pair. Get your name entered again by going to the side bar and follow
Southern Queen Bee.
They have the cutest new styles for spring and summer.
Crocs also has there very own blog. Go by and tell them I sent you.

Crocs will make the greatest Easter gift for the everyone in the family.


  1. I wish I would have been a bit stengy and kept mine for myself. Darn it! I gave mine to Jesse and he got the camo ones. He loves them! Thank you crocs!

  2. I too LOVE my crocs. I have the original style (in blue) and I wear them everyday around my house. As soon as I put on my pj pants those go on my feet.

  3. I have resisted Crocs because I thought they made my big feet look even clunkier....but those just might work!!! I'd love to have some like yours!!!!


  4. I have the old style and I have to admit they are definitely comfy!!! I would LOVE to try the new ones like you won....those are actually CUTE!! I am already a follower of your blog.♥

  5. Southern Inspiration,
    I have to say...Mine look big on my feet because I am 5'2 and wear a 7-7 1/2. So anything I put on looks big, even if it was ballet slippers. LOL But, they are so comfortable you just have to love them.

  6. I LOVE CROCS! I have 7 pairs, most of them are beach or yard shoes, but I wear my ballet flats and the flip flops the most. My boys are addicted too. They have the croc rain boots, and then a few of the other colors and styles. I have a hard time getting them in any other type of shoe now.

  7. Found you through Bienvenue--I have to admit, I've never even tried a pair on. This might be the excuse I need to get some--to WIN them! I like the flip flop look and a great spring color would be fun!

  8. Those are cuuuuuute. I've never bought a pair, because I always thought they were kind of ugly. But those are cuuuuuute.

  9. We are a Croc Loving family. Since it does not get to cold here in GA we were mammoth in the winter and in the summer just regular crocs.

  10. How have I missed the past few posts? I wonder if my follower thingie works sometimes...anyway, I don't have any Crocs but since they have some cute new styles I would LOVE to win some!

  11. Oh, and I'm already a follower (aka stalker) : )

  12. Oh my word! I LOVE these croc flip flips, except mine have the rubber straps, not the fabric. I bought mine right before we went to Disney and wore them every single second we were there. They never had that "breaking in" stage and did not hurt my feet a bit. They are also great for the pool or beach because you can walk right into the water with them on. Can you tell I LOVE mine? They are just about worn out so I could soooo use a new pair! Count me in.

    Thanks ~ Amanda

  13. I too love my and brown flip flops love them.sooooo great on the feet...please add my name to the giveaway.....thaks..Pat H

  14. Missy, Thanks for stopping by our blog. Crocs....I used to hate them. I thought they were too big and chunky. Then, a very nice friend of mine bought some for each of my kiddos. OK they turned out to be THE best shoes for kids. I swear, they have worn the same pair for almost 2 years now and they still look great! One day I went out to play in my garden and just slipped on my daughters pair (she's not so old that I should fit in her shoes yet...but I am that small!) Anyways, that was all it took for me to love crocs. They don't sweat, you can run in them, get them dirty, etc and you just hose them down and they look great again! My sister has a pair of the maryjanes and they are so cute! Love them!


  15. No, I don't own a pair of crocs but the grandbabies wear them all the time....Jackson has the camo ones!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. For some reason, I could not "follow" you (computer issues?) so I'll try later.


  16. I have the original (mule) style.. I'd love to have stylish flip flops.. the capri canvas in the white and mango print please.. love em!!!! Yippie doo!

  17. I added myself as a follower - your sweet sister sent me!

    I have a pair of the clog-type Crocs (pink) and I love them, especially when I'm in the kitchen cooking for long periods of time.

    I would love to try the flip-flop type - maybe in black?


  18. I don't have a pair for myself, but my daughter does. That is the only shoe wears during the summer! Not an ideal shoe for winter here in the Northwest. :( If I could win a pair, I would love to try them! I know my daughter would love for us to have matching pink crocs.

  19. I love Crocs but actually I have a fake pair from the mall called Frogs. They are pink with the strap and I love them so much!

  20. I haven't tried the Crocs but I would love to. I love the style that you have.

  21. i have the original ones & love to wear them around the house too! they are like air on my feet! love them!

  22. I love them! I have a pair of maryjane type... and they are so comfy!


  23. I have a pair...I use them to go outside in the how they can get wet. I've been wanting a cute pair of Mary Jane ones for my daughter...

    Thank you for the contest! How fun!

    btw, I'm now a follower too!! I found you through your sister's!

  24. I don't have any crocs, but I do think the MaryJane style is cute.

  25. Hopping over from Susie's blog. I LOVE Crocs. It took me a while to try them (thought they were ugly) but one summer of not so sore pregnant feet won me over. I love the Mary Janes. I just ordered a pair of the Alice Mary Janes (slimmer than the old ones). I would so love to try the flops!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  26. I did have a pair of the original style but passed them to my mama cause she really liked them,, but I would love to win another pair. Wow,,, nice give-a-way. Thanks

  27. I mostly wear my Croc flip flops and Mary Jane's. I LOVE LOVE LOVE crocs!! They save my back when I am pregnant. I can't fit my swollen feet into any other shoe and the are oh-so-comfy!

  28. I were my croc flip flops all the time and love them. Would love a new snazzy black pair!!

  29. I have a pair of mary jane crocs that are my gardening shoes. love them!

  30. Those look cute and I would love a comfortable pair of shoes. It seems hard to find both cute and comfortable.

  31. My kids have crocs but I have never splurged on some for myself. I have to admit -- I do like the flip flop version:)

    I found your blog through your sister's blog -- I can't wait to read and follow.

  32. Love them! They are so comfortable when you are on your feet all day like I am!

  33. I came over from sister Susie's blog. I have never had a pair of Crocs but would love a pair....probably the flip-flop variety! i think I live very close to your mother in AR. (Peel??)

  34. Hi Missy! It's me again. I got the towns mixed up...not Peel....Lead Hill!!! Right!! It's just a hop, skip and a jump from me!

  35. Hi,
    I'm popping over from your sister's site, although I am a lurker here too :) Crocs...where do I start? Aside from the 3 pair my husband owns, and the 1 pair my son has, I have the originals in tan, the Mammoth in brown, the Islander in tan, and the Sassari in white and tan (love these!). I think the next ones I would love to get are either the Audrey, Cabana, or Santa Cruz. Can you tell we're a little obsessed with this brand??? They're fabulous!


  36. I have the regular style....(closed toe with the holes on top). I have them in tan. I absolutely love them. I used to make fun of my BIL for having a pair. I thought they looked kinda dorky...hehe...but then when I tried a pair on...I LOVED them!!! Now I wear them all the time!!!!

  37. I am also now a follower!!! :)

  38. i have never owned a pair of crocs. i do however wear my husband's when i go outside every chance i get! he is going to be buying me my very own soon i hope!! i will have to show him these because they are adorable! and i'm now a follower of your blog!

  39. My whole family wears them...Mom, Dad, 4 yr old boy, and 3 yr old girl!!! We're a family of crocs.
