And The Winner Is ...


The winner of the Crocs Gift Certificate is Amy over at
" The Mommy Chronicles"

Drop by and congratulate and visit her blog.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by and commented. I am looking forward to visiting each and everyone of your blogs. Make sure that you stop in often. We will have a great spring and summer with guest bloggers, Inspiration Friday, easy recipes and of course more give aways.


  1. Wooowoo.. nice job there.. say, weren't you sending me those crocs Mrs. Powell?? heehee... okies okies, I know you'll love your new crocs.. enjoy!! Congrats!

    Thanks for your heartfelt giving SQB! kiss kiss

  2. Lucky lady she is! I need to try those things out soon. I wear Jesses sometimes and they are 10 sizes too big but boy are they comfy! Hope to chat with ya today~

  3. Congratulataions to the winner!!!!

  4. Ohy my goodness!! I never win! YIPPEE!!! How exciting!

    Thank you soooo much! So much fun! I promise to take pictures and show them off! ;)

  5. Congrats to Amy!!! What a fun giveaway. Thanks Missy.
