Dust Storm 09

I just thought the back splash dude made a mess, well let me tell you how to make the dust fly....

I wanted to surprise Camo Man by cleaning up around the base boards in the foyer. I had the vac. behind me and girls can I tell you I was going to town. Daydreaming of the weight I was losing while cleaning. To my horror I heard my daughter scream, "MOM STOP". I looked to the top of the stairs, she was pointing, I looked up to see the foyer in a huge cloud of dust.

It looked like I was driving 70 mph on a gravel road in hot dry July. You country girls know just what I mean.

I have never laughed so hard. Really what more can happen? I'm gonna have to wipe everything down anyway.

I think I plugged the hose into the wrong hole.

Can I tell you, I have learned that I do not know how to use this little mean orange machine.
So what did this girl do? Well I went to the outside freezer, grabbed a Klondike Bar and the new Southern Lady magazine and headed outside to the porch.


  1. Oh My! I could totally see myself doing the same thing! I wanted to stop by and say thanks for following! Its always great to meet new bloggers and find great new blogs!

  2. Wow, I totally know those days. you so think you are doing something good and disaster just happens no matter what you do. Also be sure to turn off your AC when all that dust is flying cause if it get caught in that it will be in every room of your house. That actually happened to us. It was not fun. We cleaned up for weeks. Can't wait to see the finished product though.

  3. Oh, Missy, I've done the EXACT SAME THING! Yeah, ice cream and a good magazine always help me, too. : )

  4. I did the exact same thing last year! My husband now mans the wet/dry vac. I'm not allowed to touch it.

  5. Stopping by from SITS. Have a great day.

  6. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I must laugh now.....sorry~

  7. Popped in from SITS to say hi!

    I've done the same thing. But with a vacumn full of black hair from my husband's hair cut.

  8. It sounds like something I would do! I'm always making more work for myself. I can't wait to see the end results of all that hard work! It will be amazing I'm sure.

  9. Good afternoon, we were sitting not far from the wreck but in the upper level. It was cool and horrible at the same time. Scott and I don't miss a race at Talladega. We have a whole group of friends that all have campers taht normally go and we all camp next to each other. We have a blast. Its so fun and relaxing.

  10. Oh my goodness Missy, I have done the SAME thing. What more can you do, but laugh and go eat a klondike bar?

  11. If time on the porch don't make ya feel better, then nothing will!

    Maybe I need some porch time...it's been a heck of a week!

  12. Ha! Love it. I have been forbidden to touch the man-things in the garage. The wet dry vac is one of them. Stupid man-things!

  13. Haha that is a great story! LOL. I love your solution to the problem :)

    All the best,

  14. I decided to leave you a message on this one this time b/c it is SUCH a great post. You had me laughing earlier when I read it.

    You're welcome for pointing that out. I just wanted to make sure.

    Thanks for following my blog!! I'm following yours now too.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. I have been there and done that one! That darn machine should have very obvious labels for this "problem"! Love the idea of reading in the backyard!

