New Baby...

If you get a free minute today please drop in and see the long awaited new grand baby of a fellow blogger friend, Olivia and Me. . She has the cutest blog as told by her little pup.


  1. Missy my dear sweet friend.. thanks for your warm wishes and heartfelt comments.

    What a blessing indeed to have blogger friends and reader's to share this news with. I have other good friend who will be a or are grandmothers and they too know what a blessing and exciting time this is.

  2. Missy..

    Baby and fam are doing great! Her first outting was yesterday to the doctor's office.

    We stopped by Thursday night with supper and carrot cake. We let the new parents dine on their own while we cuddled with Miss Lilly for a bit.. ended up with some cute shots too! I'll post em soon.

    In the mean time, we all send our love and I get these strong vibes that your daughter does some sort of art.. like water colors.. this is the time to let it flow and when the work is done.. she could dedicate this and raffle it off for a fund.
