Inspiration Friday

Where we love is home,
Home that our feet may leave,
but not our hearts. - Oliver Holmes

Do you have a home that your feet my have left, but not your heart?

My mawmaw and pawpaws house was my home for many years.
We lived there for a time when my parents divorced and then she
would keep us for the summer while our mom worked. I can still close my eyes
and see mawmaws bible on the nightstand by her bed, or hear the whistle of the kettle for her to make coffee in her old drip pot. How many hours did I just sit and rock in one of the two rockers on the back porch?
Their house has since been sold and moved but, my heart still remains.

(Sorry no photos of their home, my scanner is not working...)


  1. Oh what lovely memories you have of that sweet place from your childhood. There is little that is equal to the love, warmth and memories of a Grandparent's Home. Certain smells still remind me of my time spent with mine.
    Have a Blessed weekend!

  2. Aaawwwww. That's really sweet. I wish we could see those photos of their home.

  3. Missy.. sometimes memories are the best way to go. I would rather go that route than have the present which isn't as blessed nor as happy. Long story there that doesnt' need to be expounded here.

    Thanks for reminding me that there was once a very blessed time with them.

  4. Hi, Missy! How are you...aren't family memories the best? I know I have my share of them too.

  5. What a sweet post. Very reminiscent of mine today. So lovely.
    Big hug ~

  6. Every time I drink pink lemonade I remember the weeks spent during summer break at my grandparents' house. They would let me stay up way later than my normal bedtime and I drank pink lemonade out of my very own E.T. glass. : ) Funny what we remember from those days, isn't it? I miss my Mimmie and Grandaddy so much but just about every single day I'm reminded about them by a piece of furniture, or a picture, or some little knick knack they gave me. We are blessed to have those sweet memories!

  7. Missy... ah company is STILL here.. yikes! Come mid week Olivia will drop them off at the airport and then do a jig.

    No baby yet.. but Eva has dropped and has this motherly glow about her.. now if she'll eat eggplant that babe will come a bit sooner.

  8. Aww that really took me back to a different place. Thank you for posting makes you stop and really think!

    {{Big Hugs}}


  9. I LOVE this post! I am a sentimental sap, so it figures. I think I would be devestated if my parents ever sold the house I grew up in. So many memories.

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm having a giveaway to celebrate the grand opening of my etsy shop. I'd love for you to stop by and enter.

