Look At This Mess

I warned you this would get messy... and I am afraid I will disappoint you with my behavior. So if you believe in the perfect world, with the perfect family, stop reading and just admire the pictures.

The guy doing our back splash wanted to come remove it before the granite is installed. Well of course...now he has to repair the wall, he pulled some of the sheet rock down.

Nothing like walking in from work at 5:00 in the afternoon to find this. My beautiful children that are old enough to pour their own cereal and milk, have the nerve to ask WHATS FOR DINNER. Well I will spare you the cursing in writing. Lets just say I won't win Mother of The Year for 2009.

What you don't see in the pictures is the ten inches of tile/sheet rock dust. It covered everything. If I would have had a little warning I could have put the table and chairs in the living room and covered the china cabinet with a big sheet.
Nothing like mopping the floor three times. Oh and that pink stuff sticking out of the wall is the insulation. When I approached Camo Man about it(he comes home for lunch everyday and saw this before me ) he stated "Your the one that wanted to do this. Here's the mop bucket."

OK, Let's find the positive...To those people that do not like me cause I am getting a new kitchen, well you can start laughing cause I am thinking what and the heck have I done. It would have been easier and cheaper to convince Camo Man to buy me a new car.

Second positive... Camo Man said he does not want to cook and I am to tired so...LETS EAT OUT!!

** Next post , hopefully pictures of the repaired sheet rock. Yeah , Yeah we did take those beautiful children out to eat with us...


  1. Just think though...it will all be worth it in the end. We are redoing our kitchen too, but not this extreme. I wish I was though. I would love to have granite countertops because we have tile. I don't see that happening right now. We're just painting it a different color, but it's taking forever just to do that!

  2. It's going to be beautiful when it is all done! Hope dinner was good with your family!

  3. The road to beauty is full of pot holes and dust......been there, but the end result is so worth it.


  4. Oh, I feel for you. But at least you weren't doing dishes in the bathtub last night ;)

  5. Just keep it in perspective....you WILL have a beautiful kitchen when it is all through!!! I think eating out sounds wonderful!!!!!

  6. I bet Camo Man is going nuts being he such a clean freak...bless his heart! As for you,my dearest sweet sister, rock on! If anyone can make it through this time ,you can and will. Camo Man will survive. I think I need to cook your family a little love tonight. Hang in there sweet sister ...it's all gonna be ok~ I love you!!!

  7. It doesn't look too bad, just dream of how beautiful it will be!

  8. Here's a story to inspire you: when Sound Man and The Bob (Kat's husband) were redoing the room that would eventually be Kiddo's nursery, they ripped up the sheetrock so badly on one wall the whole thing had to be redone. How is this inspiring? Well, because they had to do that, in the process we discovered that we had hardwood floors! BONUS! I bet you'll find a surprise (a good one, hopefully!) if you look hard enough in that mess. And even if you don't, just think of what it will be like when it's FINISHED!

  9. see.. what a great suggestion that was. Only a few more weeks to go! heehee.. okies okies, so slap me silly here. Parents are still here.. would it be wrong to see if they could ah discover home earlier?

  10. I have lived through a remodel, and know it is not for the weak of heart! I feel for you sister. Hopefully the next stages will not be quite so shoking or messy. I CAN'T wait to see it all finished.

  11. I'm sure it will be so worth the hassle and mess. Twin is remodeling 3 rooms at once. A complete gut and I know she has had enough too. Keep focused and I'm sure in time you will look back at this and have a good laugh...don't ya think??LOL

  12. The mess is pain to put up with, but will be oh so worth it in the end. Cannot wait to see the kitchen redo in all it's glory. How fun that you're getting a "new" kitchen! You deserve it.

    Hugs ~ Amanda

  13. It would really be sweet of you to put us on your blog. Could you please email us so I could chat with you :o) twin6045@yahoo.com

  14. If the man gives you permission to not cook...AWESOME!!! I say eat your cereal folks! Subway $5.00 footlongs!!

    I hope the chaos ends soon for you...I have a back yard FULL of dirt that has been dusted throughout my hardwood floors...let's just say I want the grass very soon!!

    Hang in there...your kitchen will be beautiful when it's all done! Can't wait to see those pictures!

    Thanks again for ordering the crocs...I'm so excited about them. You are sooo sweet! :~)

  15. It is going to be gorgeous when you are done....
    love your blog!!! Thanks for stopping by mine!!
