Spring Has Brought A Kitchen Remodel

Good Monday morning, are you ready for this...I'm not sure what in the world I was thinking. I wanted to redo the some of the house. I never thought Camo Man would go along with it. First we are going to start with the kitchen. Yes, we are helping stimulate the economy. Before leaving for work I grabbed the camera and took a few before pictures. Stay tuned because this will not be neat and clean...but hopefully will turn out beautiful. Am I scared? OH YEAH

Camo Man's only stand was to refuse to let me rip out the cabinets or repaint them.Ok, I guess that I will not fight that battle. I'll just add new knobs...

Feel free to stop in during this journey and comment.


  1. It already looks so beautiful so I can't wait to see what you are going to do! I'll definitely stay tuned!♥

  2. Missy.. I for one can't wait what's in store for you! You called it a mess? Hardly, that's clean clean clean.. and I'm sure one could just eat off the floor there too.

    Glad to see you back from your holiday weekend and that Easter went well. Still Easter here as family has stayed for another 10 more days! Yikes.. Eva was having cramps or contractions all day yesterday, she wasn't sure, but she didn't look good and sent my son home (to their house) to pack her hospital bag just in case. She goes in this morn for her regular bi-weekly check up too.

    Eva is due in 2 weeks if that!.. then wee Lillian will come into our loving world. Can't wait!!!

    But in the mean time, I'll follow allow all your lovely new ideas and will be here to bounce off or give suggestions when you need them.

    Huggers and good Monday morning!

  3. Can't wait to see the transformation! We did a bathroom redo in our house and we had the same cabinets--we primed them and then painted them black and added new knobs. It made a world of difference!

  4. Just think that without being able to do anything to the cabinets (replace or paint) it will just keep the mess down :) We remodeled our kitchen 4 years ago. And it was GREAT (sarcasm intended). For about 6 weeks I had to wash dishes in the bathtub. That kind of grossed my friends out, but you gotta do what you gotta do ;)

  5. Oh, looking forward to seeing this process from afar! :)


  6. Wow, I can't wait to see what the end result is,because the before pics are already really nice.

  7. How exciting, can't wait to see what you do!!
    Happy Monday!

  8. You know Im a bundle of giggles about your new kitchen..... I had to laugh..Camo Man...too funny!

  9. That is so exciting!

    Before and afters are my favorite thing to view in Blogland and on HGTV.

    Have a wonderful week.
    ~Melissa :)

  10. Good Luck!! I've been in my remodel for OVER a YEAR!! But we took down the walls and ceilings. Started at the bare bones. Lots of lighting going in and even a pot filler!! It's been hard and but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now....Thank Goodness!!

  11. Hi Missy, :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog and your kindness.
    I really appreciate it!

    I had my blog redesign done by Amber at "The Shabee Chick". I was very pleased with her work and she was sooo fast too.
    Her blog link is at the bottom of my blog list.

    I do hope you visit again soon and become a follower.
    I use that feature so much!

    Have a wonderful and blessed week ahead.
    ~Melissa :)

  12. Just checking back in to see if any change has occured. I know tommorow is one of the big days! I cant wait....Hope you found all of your goodies lastnight. Call me when you get a spare second. Love ya!

  13. You have a lovely kitchen before your remodel....will enjoy seeing your progress posts.

  14. Can't wait to see what you come up with! You are going to make me want to redo my kitchen too!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. trying to post the link correctly.. but let's try this instead..


  17. Just wanted to say hi! I've enjoyed browsing through your blog.

    I'll be following your kitchen remodel since I want to tackle my own soon!


  18. Hey Missy, I feel ya girl. I had tile countertops and stained cabinets. And a few years back we changed to slab granite countertops and travertine marble for the backsplash. Then last year we changed out out entire back wing of house which is Kitchen/sitting area/breakfast area from 12" mexican tile to 18" travertine marble. It was almost a two week process just for the floor because they had a hard time getting the mexican tile up. Then we painted the cabinets white and now I'm ready to strip them back and restain. Crazy I know. And in a week we are having our pool redone, changing out the tile, waterfall and they are going to re-gunite. So I totaly feel ya. It's nice to redo from time to time and the finished product is great but the process of during is not so fun. Hope all goes well, I'll be watching.
