Passport..Check. Toothbrush..Check. Euros..Check

Passport , check. Toothbrush, check. Who ya gonna call when ya need more money? Daddy, check... Why shouldn't she call him, if you google
DADDYS LITTLE GIRL this picture would pop up. (Not really). She really is just the daughter every parent dreams of. Although thinking back she was also the typical Terrible Three. (When she was three she rubbed Vaseline all over the walls in the hallway when I was on the phone.) Of course her daddy said "Were you not watching her?"

My first born is jetting off to Italy. It makes me so proud that my children are getting to be world travelers. My dream has always been to travel to Europe. Well what would the next best thing be? Let my children experience it. (My son went to Europe in eight grade as a People to People ambassador.)
She worked very long hours as an assistant manager at 'Justice Just for Girls' while maintaining a full time student schedule. She has managed to pay for her entire trip by herself. This semester she has been named to the Presidents List at the university. But as Susie mentioned in her blog, our family has been so blessed that her boyfriend is such an important part of our family. So we are hoping that he hangs around the house even though she will be across the world.. I do need my blog friends to say a little prayer for her while she is gone. I was not nervous until today when I opened the USA Today and the front page was The Dangers of Study Abroad. Now that I have prayers...I can rest easy and know I have done all I can.

Bratnie (not her real name)... know that I am so proud of you and I want you to learn everything you can while you are there. And don't forget to mind your southern girl manners, try food you normally wouldn't and take tons of pictures(for my blog friends). Oh yeah you can bring me back a some great Italian fabric !!!


  1. How exciting for her!! Isn't it gratifying to see your kids get to experience the things we didn't? You are blessed with a wonderful daughter...good luck to her in Italy!! Can't wait to see you share pics!


  2. What an experience she'll have! Wow! Italy! My friend Lisa is Italian and she's never been...she'll be so jealous! : ) I can't wait for the pictures!

    I'll definitely be praying not only for her safety but also for your peace of mind.

  3. Awwe.. Hugs Missypoo. Chin up, give us a smile. Soon, she'll be back in your wee arms.

    You are such a good mother! Always remember that.

  4. Awesome. I really think I'd be chicken to go off like that at such a young age. I admire people that do. And I know you know this, but your daughter is beeeyouteeful!

  5. Wow, what a dream come true! Italy! I can't wait to see the pictures. Will definitely keep your "Bratnie" in prayers for her safety.

  6. What a beautiful young lady. I pray that she has a fabulous experience and finds that wonderful fabric for her Momma!

  7. How exciting for her! Can't wait to see photos!

    Heavenly Father please command your angels charge over (Bratnie) and keep her safe in all her ways. In Jesus name I pray...amen!

  8. Mom, this made me cry! Thank you for the sweet words and doing a whole blog on me. I am now famous on two blogs. You are such a great mom and I am going to miss you so much. I will try to locate you so fabric, cause I know you are a fabric QUEEN. I love you with all my heart. By the way were you watching me when I got into the Vasline? HAHA Just joking. Im missing you already. Who is going to help me do all those reading? And re-read my journals to make sure they are all correct? Hmm.. Maybe I can e-mail them to you while your at work and you could e-mail me back? ATTENTION MOMMIES BLOG FRIENDS: MY MOM USUALLY PROOFREADS ALL MY PAPERS, JOURNALS, ETC. Good thing this class is only three weeks. I LOVE you momma! Brat

    Thanks to everyone who has already left comments about me ! I really appreciate the sweet word and prayers!

  9. Lovely young lady. All the best and prayers to her on this great adventure!

  10. What an exciting adventure!!!! She will do just fine!

  11. She is sooo pretty!! I'll bet her boyfriend will be a wee bit nervous with her gone. Well, he is one handsome guy too. They look so good together!
    I hope she has the time of her life and remembers to bring you home a little something!
    Will be saying a prayer for her safe return.

  12. Wow! You and your daughter are both quite beautiful! I hope that she has a wonderful trip -- looks like a daughter anyone would be proud to have -- It will be fun to hear all about her Italian experiences!

  13. Oh sister....what we gonna do without that sweet girl for three weeks. Well...we know not to mess with her room and stuff...hehe. My prayers will be said..many..for both of ya! I love you two girls!

  14. ...will be praying for a safe and awesome experience and for mommas aching heart...xo, mickey

  15. Wow Missy, she is all grown up. Times flies. I know you are sooo proud of her and I am too even though I don't really know her. I am proud that she has the courage to leave all that she knows in her everyday life and go and do something wonderful for herself. She is a lucky girl to have your support and love. I will pray for her safe travels.


  16. What a cute picture of the two of you! Good luck to your daughter as she embarks on such a wonderful trip. She sounds like a wonderful girl.

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! I am excited to get to know you better!


  17. okay i sent you a comment here yesterday where is it

  18. Paying for it all by herself?! All the more reason to be so proud of her! She will appreciate it so much more because of it, too. Can't wait to be updated on her travels.

