Welcome Home Mr. Rooster

Isn't my rooster just what I need to have a french country kitchen?
I just LOVE him. I was not to sure about him, he was a budget buster. I told Camo Man that he needed a home so bad. I think he let me get him cause he felt sorry for all the counter top crap I am going through. He is silver with a black antique finish on top, I can't seem to get a good picture of him.

OH, and yes that is orange mean machine you see in the pic. below. It is still floating around my house. Camo Man is finished painting. I will post a before and after of that soon. Still no appliances...or sink ...but actually I am getting used to this life. Sorry about the wining before...you know I think that I was in remodel shock at first.

This is a picture of our foyer...

We added a little porcelain tile.. they still have to add the grout and wipe.

Max wanted to see what I was doing... In the picture below he reminded me of that show Tim Allen had where his neighbor only showed half his face over a fence. Do you remember the name of that show? I can't right now..

Now we are on the hunt for hard wood flooring to put in the living room, study and bedroom. The decisions to be made... Then the money pitt just got bigger. Camo Man has to now buy shoe molding that I did not plan on. Did not realize you don't have shoe molding with carpet. Do you think I am gonna remember how to cook? I can't believe I am typing this, I DO miss cooking and having everyone around the table to fight...(oh I mean discuss the days activities).


  1. I just love roosters in the kitchen. I have a large plaster one on my counter. The kids like to squak like him too. The wood in the middle is gorgeous and compliments the paint on your walls nicely :)

  2. That show was "Home Improvement." And your floors are going to look so great when it's all said and done!

    I like your rooster, too. : )

  3. Neighbor's name was Wilson, right?
    I am so sorry you've had such trouble, but it's going to be great when it's done!!


  4. WOW Aubrey you are right on it. I did pick the one in the middle !!!

  5. Nicely done! Can't wait to see it. Mine is done except for fabric so I am waiting for the "big reveal"! Can't wait to see everything you have done.

  6. Hey girl...sorry about our kidos! YOur foyer looks awesome! I didnt know y'all were going all fancy like that. Very pretty!!! Tool Time sista~

  7. Love your Rooster. And you're right. Remodeling projects are a money pit.

  8. Thanks... I really loved that show. They really don't have any cute 30min. shows any more. I like King of Queens too.

  9. love the floors. Can't wait to see the kitchen all finished! Pretty!

  10. Good Morning Miz Queen Bee,
    Looks like your remodeling projects are really coming along. I love your foyer! I wish I wasn't so scared to try tile, it just looks so difficult to do! I hope you were able to resolve your counter top issues. I told my dh about it and he said you don't have to accept a broken/cracked piece of granite regardless of what the store owner tries to say. Good Luck!

  11. I love the rooster! Your foyer looks awsome! I can't wait to see pics when everything is done....and I can just imagine how you can't wait to see/have it all finished! We will be going thru the same thing in a few months when we move into our "new to us" home. Its 40+/- yrs old and outdated... Have a nice day!

    PS Thanks for commenting on my blog, My sister said thank you too! :)

  12. Oh, congratulations on your pretty rooster! It looks great in your kitchen! I love all you're doing to your home - it's going to be so beautiful! Forget how to cook? Yea, that might be a good idea if your family will let you get away with it!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  13. It is all looking beautiful!! LOVE it!

  14. ...love the rooster, tile and wood. you have been one busy gal! i also like max's impersonation of wilson...he has real talent. xo, mickey

  15. love it.. gots a copper one in my kitchen and I love it as he blesses' the food prepared in this house.

    So, are you going cherry wood then?

  16. I luff your rooster. He's awesome.

  17. Sometimes the smallest projects turn out bigger than we expected but in your case I think it's a good thing. It's going to be amazing when it is done. Love the flooring you chose. You may give your sis a run for her money yet!HA.
