Sorry to disappoint its been crazy at work and home just no time to get pics. and post.

Have gotten to visit a few blogs...will post some makeover stuff very soon,

Your Friend ....Southern Queen Bee


  1. Well I am glad that you came to visit me! NM is an enchanted land. I miss the weather, the mountains, the clean air! Do ever get to visit your siblings there? I would live in ABQ in a heartbeat. cosmopolitan city with charm, too. I've never been to Silver City- where did your grandparents live? Hope you continue to come by- I look for your posts in my reader subscriptions all the time. :-) Sue

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to!


  3. Ooooh, can't wait to see! Like I tell your sister, you post when you can...we'll come! : )

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sometimes you gotta take care of your real life and not your blog life ;) I do look forward to your remodel update though. See you soon :)

  6. Missy.. some days the sky blue and other days it's filled with rain.. either or we take each day as they come with grace.

    So with grace is what I call upon as we wait to hear more from you.. fully knowing just how busy your life is an more so complexed.

    Hug a bug my dear.

  7. Waiting...waiting.... (isn't crazy how REAL life takes over?!) Some days I actually love that I have had so much fun and crazy going on that I forget to blog. Somedays I can't wait to blog about it. That's just how it goes. Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to!
