Are you looking for baby dust bunnies? I think they thrive on hardwood floors, and of course they love it under the bed. (Yeah finally got the china outta there). I started with only a few and those little babies multiplied literally over night, now I have hundreds of them.

I need your help! How can I get rid of them in a safe and easy manner?? Now that the china and carpet are gone I bought a QUICKIE, no I am not joking. Camo Man loves it. But here is where I need your help. Do I need a spray on this QUCIKIE? What kind would be best.

I LOVE these floors but want to care for them properly. Dust bunnies have to go, Camo Man has bad sinus allergies and I could not see the dust on the carpet. I heard that hardwood floors were better for people with allergies....Please feel free to leave comments on how to rid floors of dust bunnies...and I promise to do it in a humane way... HUMM maybe I need more than a QUICKY...maybe one of those Swiffer things or a yarnie mop thingie , open for suggestions.

Also Bratney will be coming home tonight. Her flight from Chicago was canceled so she had to stay there overnight... Hope to post some of her pictures for ya'll.


  1. Well, when you find out how well it works and how to get it to work the best, let me know because with three dogs that shed to high heaven, I have dust gorillas! : )

  2. Those floors are beautiful. I use the Swiffer sweeper and it seems to do pretty well. You put cloths on the sweeper (kind of like microfiber ones)and it seems to pick up very well. Don't know about the Quickie. But, yes, the baby dust bunnies QUICKLY multiply on the hardwood...hehehe

  3. We have hardwood, too. I hope you get some answers we can all benefit from!

  4. I use the Bruce cleaner for hardwood or laminate. I initially bought the one with a spray bottle, then bought the large size refill bottle and pour it into the spray bottle. I spray it on an area about 4X4 and clean, then spray the next section and clean- it dries pretty quickly. I use what was recommended by the place where we bought our hardwood floors.

    I don't mean to go against anyone else, but we were told swiffer solution has chemicals that strip the finish off your floors. I do use my swiffer sweeper cloths with the Bruce cleaner. I have also taken microfiber cloths and wrapped them on the head of my sweeper and pinned it to stay. When our home in FL was on the market I made three of my kids go behind me on their hand and knees with microfiber cloths to wipe it and make sure no prints were there. I did this DAILY. They were praying hard for our home to sell.

  5. I have hardwoods on my entire first floor, and I thought I would lose my mind trying to keep it clean. I bought a quickie like you have there, but it didn't help much.

    Then I found the glorious Swiffer Vacuum!!! Swiffer PLUS a vacuum cleaner, I tell you I LOVE to dust my floors because they actually get clean, every speck. Plus it takes 10 minutes to do the whole downstairs as opposed to 30 with the quickie since I had to keep cleaning it off. Oh, and I have two kids so I have to clean my floors two or three times a day.

    RUN RIGHT NOW and get yourself the Swiffer Vacuum!! It seriously works like a dream as long as you empty the cup and clean off the filter once a day (takes 1 minute).

  6. I have this static dust mop thingie (sorry, dunno the name of it) and it works wonders. It just grabs them up and you save so much time. It reminds me of those industrial dust mops, but works sooo much better.

  7. Natalie is right...the Swiffer Vac is AMAZING! I got one when we first moved to this house, and loved it so much I was using it 3 or 4 times a day. My hubby had to have an intervention on me cause I was driving him nuts with it. It is a bit pricey at alomost $30, but absolutely worth it! Plus you can find $5 coupons online. Go...run...get one right this minute!


  8. I too have hardwood on my first floor. Just think how gross carpet is because it hides the dirt which looks better but isn't as clean as you think it is. I have an Eureka Mighty Might that I use instead of an upright. I also have the Swiffer vacuum for spot cleaning. I have a micro-mop for mopping and sometimes I put a regular cloth on it to dust-mop. I think the only answer is frequent cleaning or close the drapes so the sun doesn't shine in!!
