Welcome Home Little World Traveler

Yes, after many prayers and worrying, Brattany has made it back to the good ole USA. While I and my blog friends (thank you) were here praying she was having the time of her life.

I do believe the travel bug has bitten. On the plane ride home she was planning her next adventure.
Oh to be young and have the world in your hands...

When she arrived home Bratt informed me that her teacher will be offering a Creative Writing class next summer. She let the teacher know her mom would be attending. I told Bratt that would be GREAT, but I only get a two week vacation and who would be paying for my adventure???
Oh to be young and not have any bills...

She has some really great photos, I am trying to get her to be a guest blogger for the day...

Well I am on my vacation from work this week, but not to be the world traveler. Not really a traveler at all unless you count hiking to the coffee pot, joggin to washing machine, climbing the great orange ladder to put books on the bookshelves. I am home to do the much needed cleaning and organization of the house even though the remodel is still not complete.

Oh too be old and have so much shit to do...

But of course it is 2:15 pm I am in my pjs and have not gotten much done. Lets see if that cafe on the counter top is still open for another cup of hot coffee.(giggle)


  1. Oh, you HAVE to get her to post for you! That would be so good!

    By the way, it's not too late to link up to my What Makes Me Smile party!

  2. How silly is your saying that you compared: Being young to being old. I laughed sooo hard when i read yours :) Maybe i should stop blogging at work....Nay!!!

  3. I can so sympathize with "so much s^#* to do...." I am still trying to pick up, organize, etc from our little remodel. It's been 2 weeks and I'm still at it. Of course, if I didn't interrupt my work with a little ( or is it a Lot?) of blogging-related things-I just might get it done in a couple of days.... Glad your daughter is home safe and sound. :-) Sue

  4. I think she SHOULD do a guest post! Yes, oh to be young with no bills and able to travel....what FUN!!!

  5. Great post! Glad she is home safe. The ideas of the young.....

  6. I'll bet she had the time of her life. Good for her. While a trip like that costs quite a bit of $$, I'm sure your trip with Sis was priceless!

  7. Taking a week off work to stay in PJs all day and organize home is my idea of a GREAT week!

  8. I am sitting here laughing so hard - funny how I "feel" like I am still so young that time and money should be at my fingertips...but I am in the swame category you are...too much crap to do! :) Thanks for the giggle, I needed that!

  9. Glad she made it home safe and sound!

    I love that I'm not the only person who is still in their pj's at 2:00 in the afternoon.


  10. Those pictures were fabulous and made me want to run for the border, any border! And the next time you wanna clean a closet......
