No We Are Not Lost...Yet

No we are not lost, only having computer difficulty.
Rest assured we are having fun and eating way more than we should.
That will just give me future post on how to lose vaction weight. LOL


  1. mmmmm... but as you said in your comment, you went hiking so that's the best way to lose vacation weight. I just had to respond - I love the town you're staying in, actually. Have you ever enjoyed the Lavender Festival???!!! Thanks for taking the time to comment during your vacation! Can't wait to see the beautiful pictures of the land we love and I hope you have a great time the entire time you're here.

  2. oops... wrote that wrong. You rode up...THEN you should go hiking - THAT takes care of vacation weight. :)

  3. ...hope you're having a great time and the dieting can it up! xo, mickey

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