So Sorry About the Crappy Post...

I guess in all my packing and trying to wrap things up at work, I did not think through on my last post....I am going to visit my dad who spends the summers in another state...clear across the country...(Washington State). And since I am so lucky to have loyal and great blog friends I am going to just bring back a few things and do a random drawing for those of you that put up with my very CRAPPY post. This includes Olivia & Me ....I know I had you so confused you deleted your comments....LOVE YA'LL.....I am heading to a "BIG BOX" store to get my pictures on a disc. to share. Well after a rough start are ya'll ready for a great and relaxing trip with me ???


  1. Im here...well not there but here wishing I was there. I know yall are going to have a great time and dont you go worring about your lil darlings. I have already taked to one of your this morning and they will be coming over for dinner tonight. I will keep a close watch on them younguns! You know I tattle...hehe. Not that your kids ever do a thing wrong...nope...that would be mine. ha! Have fun!

  2. I am ready for some vicarious livin' through you!!!!
    Been down with the flu bug or two and am looking for some fun times while recoupin'!

  3. I bet you are going to have a fabulous time on your trip!! Relax and have tons of fun!!

  4. Have a wonderful trip! We'll enjoy hearing all about it when you return.

  5. ...visiting your fun!!! i wish i could visit my dad...what crappy post...i'm still looking for it! LOL, mickey

  6. He goes to Washington for the summer? I know a lot of people live somewhere else for the winters if their state is cold, does your dad go away for the summer because your state is too hot for him? Have a great and relaxing time!

  7. I was thinking what Twice as Nice wrote but considering the summer we've had, I'm not so sure you can come here to cool off anymore. Not sure which part of Washington you're enjoying but if it's the west side of the Cascades, we're having some beautiful weather this year. Have a great vacation! (I didn't comment on your "crappy post" - don't put me in your drawing - I just had to comment when I saw you were coming to my neck of the woods. :) )

  8. I have never been to Washington state, so I'm looking forward to some beautiful pics!

  9. Missy.. I tell ya I was a mess on this. 'To tired to poop' that day, had no business posting. If I drank... that at least would have given me an reason to have posted those posts.. but alas, no booze for me.

    SO on baited breath.. I shall seek your return. In the mean time, enjoy your vacation!!
