Where is Southern Queen Bee Taking Us ?

Get ready, we are heading for the friendly skies... You won't be disappointed.
Sorry, we will have to leave sister http://susieharrisblogspot.com home for this trip, she only goes on road trips. She does not think the friendly skies are that friendly. I will be posting every other day, you will feel as though you have spent the day with me.
Warning I have no schedule,nor do I know exactly where I am going.. Ready for a mini vacation with me? I have not even started packing, but it is ok, you can enjoy this trip in your jammies with no makeup. Also you won't need to bring your purse (wallet if you are a male reader).
WOOOHOOO gotta go pack....
I just thought of this, you can't go on a trip without getting a memento. Leave me a comment on where you think we are going before my next post and I will bring the winner a souvenir from our trip.
Sorry,Susie you don't get to play, But I will bring ya a prize!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I know where your going....wish I was going tooooo

  3. Hmmmmm...my guess would be NYC, but only because that is where I want to go!

    Fingers are crossed. I want a happy!


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  6. You're going to one of 50 states. Close enough or do I have to narrow it down? You didn't give any clues. Don't need to bring a purse? Are you camping? You have to take an airplane to get there? I'm guessing California but I know I'm wrong. Could it be Las Vegas? I really don't have any idea but have a great time!!

    P.S. Love your new floors. The color is perfect!

  7. Hello, just leaving you a comment as I've so enjoyed looking around your site and reading your lovely posts. Great pictures too !

    Thank so much for sharing them and I hope you have a fab weekend (well, the rest of it anyway...)!

    Best wishes to you

  8. You are flying somewhere but you don't know where you're going? Well then how in the world are WE supposed to know where you are going :)? And do YOU get to sit around in your jammies with no purse or is that just for us because we're coming along on this mini-vacationg from blogland. I'm so confused... and competitive... and want to win! Okay, I'll guess. Perhaps an all-inclusive adventure spa. You can sit around in your jammies, don't need cash cause it's already paid for, and adventure because they take you to a secret destination. How'd I do? :)

    Have a fabulous time!

  9. ...ooooh...i hope you're going to a wonderful resort spa where you eat fruit all day, stay in your robe or out of it most of the time with glorious massages and hot rocks placed down your spine...or i hope your going to the beach where you stay in your bathing suit all day, breath in the fresh salty air, listen to the soaring gulls and soak in the sun! woo hoo! can't wait to hear about it!!!xo, mickey

  10. Just wanted to let yall know that my sister made it there and Im sure is having a wonderful time. I cant play but I can sure give yall a hint. This state we speak of.... very health concious {did I spell that right?}....Good luck!

  11. Awww, man! I didn't get over here in time to guess! I wanted to go on your vacation, too! hee hee! Can't wait to see pics!
