Is This A Travel Blog?

SHHH, can ya keep secret? Yes, I am on the road again, heading for the West this weekend!
Have any of you heard of Round Top,TX?

This time I am gonna SURPRISE the best sister in the world, Susie

Now don't rush over to her blog and blog me out!! HAHA
I have to work part of the day, but after lunch I am gonna surprise her by picking her up and taking her to Round Top.
We both really wanted to go but I have no vacation time left. My sweet boss is letting me leave early.
Heck, I hope it does not take Susie to long to pack!
No we won't be riding a horse, at least I don't think so. You know I have been known to do some crazy (but legal) stuff on road trips.
Well, I might get sister to try on a hat or two. You know we have modeled BIG Easter hats in the middle of Macy's to embarrass our daughters (on a previous post).
Yes, I know it is a 7 hour drive. Yes, I know that I was gone all last weekend, but I really know how bad Susie wants to go. I will find any excuse to hit the road. I am so excited and can't wait to show ya'll all of our weekend adventures.
What can I say, I LOVE to travel and see new places.

I do believe that I have a gypsy soul.
Get out this weekend , even if it is in the front yard....embrace your gypsy soul....


  1. Just want ya'll to know I AM going to post about that TAXI RIDE !!!Hopefully this weekend.

  2. It is totally worth a seven hour drive...if you need a place to stop over, just give me a shout!! :)


  3. I didn't know you & Susie were sisters!! I've been following her blog for a while too. Hope you gals have fun!

  4. Yippie skippy doo... now bring me back something french!! Miss you already.

    Okies, please be safe and no men! Now cowboy's are another thing! ;)

  5. Nothing in the world like a good ol' road trip! Have a great time!

  6. ...round top is excellent...i should know! i live just about 20-30 miles from it! it is the location of one of the largest antique shows in the might just have to take a second trip! xo, mickey

  7. What a sweet sister you are! I saw some pics of your trip at Susie's and it looked like soooooooo much fun! Can't wait to hear more about it.


  8. I have a friend who lives in Round Top Texas! I hope you had a great time.

  9. I am totally with your thoughts on this post! Any chance/reason/excuse I get to go on a road trip...I do! And one involving family, is even better! I'm sure you all had a great time!

    Rebecca of the R&W Gals.
    By the way, I hear it's your Birthday (or was) so Happy Birthday!
