She Saw Britney and I Got a Lemon Pie

Daughter saw Britney Spears and on the ride home I had to show my friend that rode with me this cool place to get great pies.


Isn't this little car just the coolest?

When I got home and opened the box this is what I got a
Look how tall this wonderful pie is.

Leas is not a place that just started making pies. They have been in business since 1928.

How do they get the meringue that high. You can taste the little pieces of lemon zest. Ohhh it is so refreshing.
It was worth driving five hours, getting lost, spending $50.00 on a taxi (thats another story).
Want to know how to make the weekend last?

Buy a dessert that is so large you can eat on it after the weekend!


US Highway 71 - PO Box 458

Lecompte, Louisiana 71346

Phone: 318.776.5178 Fax: 318.776.5715

Coconut Lemon Chocolate Banana
Apple Peach Cherry Pecan
Pumpkin Mincemeat Sweet Potato Blue Berry


  1. WOW - I'm drooling. Well, not really drooling but my mouth IS watering.

  2. OMG, I love Lea's!!! I haven't been there in so long. I tried to stop by there for lunch last year on a trip between S'port and B.R., but it was a Monday and they were closed :( I have fond memories of their ham sandwiches and of course the chocolate pie! I will definitly have to make a stop on my next road trip, thanks for the reminder!

  3. Now THAT is worth any trip to just about anyone! Yummers! Slip me a slice my dear, I'll bring the coffee.

    Love it.. and when we sit to supple this delish pie.. tell me about the ah.. so called 'taxi' adventure!

  4. Hey girlie!!! Where is my piece of that pie. I know it was big enough to share~

  5. Oooo I LOVE lemon pie and that one certainly looks WONDERFUL!!

  6. Just popped in to catch up & respond to your comment on my blog. I'm not in Pt. Angeles - I'm on the other side of the Sound, up in Lynnwood. Close but not not right next door. I am, however, looking forward to setting up another day trip to check out her store!!!! You're right - can't be too many stores with a goat & cart in the front window. :) I'll let you know when I get over there!

  7. Oh my goodness! That pie is's amazing it doesn't fall over under its own weight. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Too bad about the $50 cab ride, but it sounds like there are no regrets.

  8. Pie oh my!!! I wish there was a pie place somewhere in Connecticut. Anyone in the area that wants to open one let me know.
    ♥ Rebecca

  9. Yummy!!!! thanks for stopping by and following...led me here! Lea's looks like the place to put on a few pounds...goodness that pie is high!!! I see you've read the Mermaid Chair! I just picked it's on my must read list, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...stop back anytime!!!

  10. Holy cow! That is some pie. I love lemon meringue but you can't buy a good one anywhere around here. And mine sure doesn't look anything like this one. I have serious pie envy. LOL
    oh, can't wait to hear about the taxi ride...

  11. That looks like the Queen of all Lemon Meringue pies! I love Lemon Meringue but have never seen one that looks that tasty. Sending smiles.

  12. I use to pass by Lea's everyday when I would drive to College LSUA. I never stopped.

  13. Now that is a really tall pie. I'd like one piece with some coffee please! There's a place not too far from where I live that makes pies like this. The best part of going to that town is the quilt shop just a few doors down from the pie shop.
