Road Trip Weekend

Love her, Like her or Hate her...I am on a five hour drive to see Britney Spears. Well actually I am not gonna see her, my daughter and some friends are. I am going to be the driver and hotelroom provider. I am bringing along a friend too. We are gonna rest by the pool, shop, eat and shop some more. Have a great weekend...


  1. Heeheee.. Missy.. love her or hate her... is it really worth it? Naw.. so just sit back an let your daughter gab away about how much she'd loved the show.. and in the back of your wee mind think of bon bons.. a large brandy or a delish cup of coffee. Come back quickly.. as I miss you already.


  2. Have fun! Call me....miss you~

  3. You've got such pretty pictures on your blog! I just stumbled across it and so enjoyed the visit. Have a great weekend!

  4. Sounds like a fun girls getaway.=) One of my friends went to the Dallas one on Friday (not sure if thats the same one your girls went to), but she really enjoyed it. Hope you had a great time visiting with your friend.

  5. Curoius minds are wondering how you're feeling? Hope all is well my dear.


  6. I am glad I don't have to make that trip! Although lounging poolside and shopping don't sound bad. Thanks for checking out my blog and signing up to be a follower. I hope to hear from you in the future!
