Happy Fall Ya'll

Today is the first day of fall.
Well at 90 degrees, I can't say that it feels that way.

What about where you live ...do you feel the fall??


  1. Nope, didn't yesterday to me either.. just another hot and dry day. However, today we have light rain right now! YIPPPIE SKIPPIE DOOO! Maggie wasn't happy haven't to piddle in it.. but atlas, it's raining!

    More drapery work, get the car in for a recall repair and... gosh knows whatelse that might plop on my plate for me today.

    Hugs Missy and I added a button on my blog for your blog. I should check the link too.. heehee..


  2. yea.... the link worked.. whew!

  3. No! We are seeing animals lining up 2 x 2 with all the rain in Georgia. And MUgGY!! Ugh! :)Dina

  4. We had a cool front blow in last night. The temps have been in the high 60's for most of the day but they feel like they are climbing now. Our high is supposed to get to the mid 70's.

  5. Its about 100 degrees over here in SoCal this week. So, it doesn't really feel like fall, but I am so ready for it.

    Just stopped by via The Flying Bee. Hope your daughter had a blast at the Britney concert.

  6. It's still in the 90s here in South Carolina. Boo! I want coffee and chilly weather.

  7. Since I live in Florida it will be a while before we see Fall.

  8. It is feeling like fall where I live. We just moved from California to Chicago so their Fall feels like our winters. I'm a little scared! LOL

  9. I know this comment is delayed, however, it still isn't really fall around here! ;( We don't get beautiful leaves changing colors at all! There are no leaves to change colors in Phoenix. Ah, but the fruit are being stolen from my giant cactus out front...by a rodent of some kind! I thought it was too hot for those, here! ;(
    Hope the Fall has finally come for you! I'm hoping to take a day trip to some fall folliage this weekend! ;)
