I have been stuck in IMAGINATION RUT lately... I blame it on no time, and that very well is a great excuse. But I spend HOURS looking at others imagination at work on all these blogs, esty,and yes, visiting peeps in Facebook. Yes I hate to admit it I am now addicted to Facebook. This is why I have not blogged. I come everyday and look at ya'lls but fail to post my own. IMAGINATION RUT.

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. - Albert Einstein

My goodness, I need to get to my craft room and get out of IMAGINATION RUT, before my coming attractions are like that old brown box at the top of this page.

Have you used your imagination lately? No, putting up the Christmas tree does not count!

I want my IMAGINATION to not be the brown boxes, but look like these bright cheery boxes.

I'd love to read your comments because I do miss and LOVE each and everyone of you, but if you don't comment I understand you maybe imagining what your coming attractions will look like....


  1. I've missed reading your inspiring posts! I too am in a rut but that's because of grad school. Too much analytical thinking!

  2. Happy to see you back and yes Facebook and all of our social networks are so addiciting!!! Whatever did we do before the internet??!!
    I get into a rut too overall with everything but do not worry Queen Bee you will get your groove back and bee buzzing around in no time!!
    (Oh did yall get any of that snow?)

  3. Twin and I just signed up for Facebook last night! I have to learn how to do it but everyone says it is addicting. I'm not too good at computer stuff like Twin is but I hope to learn.

  4. Missy.. I've missed you soo much! I found myself pulling away from facebook as it drowns my soul and I post only a wee bit so maybe a total of 20 minutes tops if that per day now.. but Bloggers.. lifts me up.. I see those whos blogs inspire me just even if it's inside my heart. I read to understand and yet I don't need to do damn thing but be supportive to those who are in need.. as what I have is good for me.

    So don't inspire to just do.. inspire to 'be'.. find you're inner soul speaking.. listen carefully.. at times it will just be tucked away in a corner.. but it's there.

    YOU are just soooo perfect in my eyes as many are and need not a thing to do to improve at all.

    I love you my dear for you.


  5. I'm on facebook too, but I rarely use it. I am trying to get creative stuff done at home, but I wish I could accomplish more before Christmas gets here. I find crafter, quilter, and decorator blogs really inspire me and I enjoy reading everyone's posts.

  6. Hope you have had some good "craft time" this weekend. I have missed you!

  7. Hey!

    I know what you mean, I had been feeling that way, too. Then I went on my trip and got totally inspired again! I am finally putting the tree up and getting my Christmas decorations put out and I am having so much fun doing it!

    Loved this has got me using my imagination already!


  8. Missy, I have missed you! I look forward to seeing what your imagination looks like once your rut is clear! : )

    Oh, and you may just find a friend request from a stalker on your home page! : )

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Okay, how sad is it that I forgot that I already commented on this post? BAAAHAHAHAHA!
