New Year

Ready or not here comes a New Year. Funny how it just sneaks up on some of us. I vow not to make any promises this year to myself or you,my blog friends. This year I will just do my best and that is what we all want,isn't it? to do our best.

As I reflect on last year, there where many things undone. I failed to blog toward the end of the year. I have stressed out trying to be everything to everybody. You women we are programed to think we can do it ALL. Did you know that it can make you SICK when you try to cram it all in. I was really sick and the doctor said most of it was brought on by stress. How can that be? I thought I was hiding it. I thought maybe if I push myself a little harder I can get everything done and be perfect. I have a husband, children, outside job, father, sister, dogs, trying to keep up with a house and a camp two hours away on the weekends, blog, facebook, you get the picture.

I always blogged as a journal for my children to look back on one day, but then when friends started reading that was a little good lagniappe. I LOVE all of the comments. Then I wanted to blog the perfect things, I did not want to disappoint. Oh and then there is my sister, I can't even try to compare to my sister. She is the best, I wanted to blog and have an Esty like hers'. But when could I ever find the time to keep up with her?

So after much thought I realize I need to blog. I miss sitting and just typing how I feel. It will be ok if I don't have anything to sell, or have numbers through the roof and it will be ok to complain about my imperfect world, because this is who I am. This is not my sisters' blog. I can't blog to fit in a certain group, because I love to many different things. Photography, sewing, crafting, decorating my home, cooking. I can tell you that I do pray, I am spiritual and am a very giving soul, but I am NOT perfect. I don't sit in the first pew every Sunday. Sometimes my blog is not going to be a rated 'G'. Sometimes I may want to type the word SHIT and do not want to feel censored.

Now having typed my long pre-New Years post, I hope you will join me in the New Year!(If I have not scared the SHIT out of you)


  1. I love you..You! I think it's high time we all face the facts ...none of us are perfect and that's ok.I think we need to do would be so much better to hug you in person (((hug))) Susie~

  2. I think it is just wonderful that you have committed to being yourself and doing things to please you and no one else.
    I am not worried about numbers or comments. I do not fit into a specific niche. If someone reads, great. If someone comments, also great. I am not here to beg for followers or to be involved in a popularity contest. I am waaaay too past junior high school for that. LOL
    We have to be true to ourselves to be happy. And I hope you will have much joy in the upcoming new year.
    :-) Sue

  3. Funny and charming and HONEST! Go get 'em because that's the way to be. Your blog is great as long as you are enjoying it!

  4. I adore this! You and I are in the same boat. I would just like to write about what is going on and what I'm think. I don't try to keep up with the Jones' in "real" life so I shouldn't try in "blog" life either. Looking forward to your posts in the new year!

  5. We have missed you and if keepin' it real is what it takes to have more of you then where do I sign up!!??
    Sorry to hear that trying to be Superwoman made you sick. We all need one of those capes and that magic belt like she had... to protect
    I have been there myself many times and I resolute this year to learn to say NO and take better care of mE so I can take care of those kids, dogs, cats, hubby,house etc...
    So here is to The new YOU and....
    Happy New Year!!!

  6. I find blogging to be a good thing for me as well -- not one of us live in a perfect home (heaven's sake) - nor lead perfect lives -- and that's a good thing! It makes us appreciate the beautiful and be humble too -- we're all a work in progress -- looking forward to reading what you have to say in the new year -- cheers!

  7. LOL,
    I had a good laugh! I am gonna follow your blog in 2010 and I know it will be fun. I love people who are honest and tell it like it is!

    Happy New Year from another "Southern Sister"

  8. Oh what a great post!
    Just being YOU is the BEST!
    That's what people REALLLLLLEEE want to read!
    Good for you Southern Queen Bee!
    That's how I decided my blog would be...just me!
    Nothing to sell...
    Nothing particular...
    Just me!
    Kinda scary that way...
    never know if anyone is going to be interested!
    I loved your post today!

  9. They love YOU too...told ya soooo..ha!

  10. Your post made me laugh out loud. Perfect blogs are boring and I'm sure Susie would tell you Etsy shops can be a lot of work. Just being you is the best way to go - always! Happy New Year!

  11. Blogging serves no purpose if you can't be yourself. If you lose readers because you are real, then good riddance! I look forward to your posts in the new year!

  12. Be yourself and be real. That's all you need. I understand the demands you feel. I am there myself. Happy New Year! Have a great weekend.

  13. I LOVE it!!!! Hope you and your family have a Happy New Year!!!♥ I look forward to blogging with you in 2010!

  14. Girl, you crack me up! We don't want you to be Susie, we want you to be Missy! What makes y'all different is what makes you both special! How cheesy does that sound? :D

  15. Happy New Year!!! Stop by and share your new year resolutions!!

    Kathy :)

  16. I love this post! I am so new to blogging and always fuss so much about what to say and how to say it, afraid to say something wrong. I love how you keep it real- I've learned a lot reading this! PS- thank you for following my blog- you're the first person not in my family! LOL!
