And The Snowbells Live On...

My maw maw (southern lingo for grandmother) had  two green thumbs. This sweet little lady (she weighed 90 pounds) would go to visit with a friend, they would give her a little broken piece of any plant you could image and she could get it just grow into the most beautiful plant. Then she would share with others. When I was little, my sister and I would literally rip all of her roses off the bushes to make our "rose water". She would never say a word. When she passed away (100 yrs old) her house was sold and moved, but before the movers tore her yard apart I went and dug a small clump of snowbells.

 Camo Man with his OCD behavior (never formally dignosed) decided to take it upon himself while I was out of town to tear out the landscape. He tilled up every inch of the flower beds. He even tore out the trees!
I was so upset. I could not believe what he had done. Of course he thought I would love it that we were going to new landscape in the spring. The first thing I wanted to know was where my snowbells were. He looked at me and said
"What are snowbells?" 
....Jump ahead about six months, this weekend I opened the shade in the laundry room and low and behold there were mawmaws little snowbells ...
What a sight to behold!  I know as I stood there laughing and crying, mawmaw was smiling down on me!
Love you maw maw


  1. Okay, now this one brought tears to my eyes! What a great story~♥
    I'm all choked up!


  2. Awww...such a sweet story- thank you for sharing!

  3. Awwww Miss! I'm so glad her flowers made it! I remember our rose water..ha! That poor yard will never be the same. Glad you still have a small piece of it!

  4. Robin (The Robin's Nest)...for some reason I can your blog is not opening, please check your settings, I'd like to visit with ya.

  5. What a fantastic thing it is that you have your Grandmother's plant still growing in your yard. I kill stuff because I have a brown thumb. I get lucky and can grow a few things, but a gardener, I am not! Enjoyed your sweet family story.... hugs, Sue

  6. That is so special and sweet! A sign that angels live among us! So glad your grandma sent you smiles today :)

  7. Morning Missy-bee!

    Snowbells are just so precious and a good sign that spring is on it's way. When the Dogwood blooms here, no more snow will fall.. so in 4 weeks I'm really hoping for plenty of Dogwood blossoms!

    To bad Camo Man is soo.. ah.. 'active', some times for his or your own good. But at least you have memories and a wee bit of snowbell left to keep the memories 'lit'.

    Funny thing about you and Susie making rose water when you were young.. it was 'wedding' in my play world with my other sister's as the roses were plenty and baskets needed to be filled. Everyday was wedding day to us. Our Mom always found out way to late, but that's ok as the memories were meant to be.

    I send you some extra love on the wind drifting on snowbell 'cups'.

    with love,

  8. Oh I LOVE your post!!!
    Such a determined little lady is still showing her spirit even now. God bless her!
    I live in my Grandma Lily's old house with my 2 boys. I am sure she helps me with them, goodness knows I couldn't cope on my own.

    C. X

  9. I cant wait to hear all about your weekend!

  10. It's a miracle that your grandmother's plant survived through the new landscaping project! Hope this can increase in numbers to keep it going!
