Food Can Be Your Next Adventure

I love adventure, well my parents always told us "Try It You Might Like It ". It was actually about the only thing I think they have ever agreed on.  If you have followed my blog for a while you know I am a love to try different things including different  foods.

The guys were out of town so I was able to spend quality time with Brit. I let her choose the place she wanted to eat. Of course she could not just let me order her pizza, or  drive~ thur for a happy meal. I have only had sushi on a cruise and I did not care for it. Brit said that did not count. So I was up to trying it again.
  Oh well here it is to adventure... Ichiban

I asked for the silverware, none to be found...ok I would experience the whole adventure. Yes, you can have an adventure in enjoying food.

Started with edanomi. I thought you eat the whole thing, even our children can teach us a thing or two if we just let them. Brit set me straight on the proper way to eat these little green jewels. 

Even if you so not eat sushi you have to admit it is artwork.  Mine was a Bayou Roll,  which included a softshell crab. It was wonderfull, I think I have found a new love for sushi...Have you tried anything new lately?  Please share, you never know it may just be my next adventure.


  1. By the look of that stuff....glad Alley had her puppies! Ha!

  2. Yummy!!
    I just tried sushi about six months ago and I am hooked!!! One of my faves is one with a crawfish etouffee baked on top..fabulous!!
    Glad you had a nice time..your sushi looked scrumptious!!!
    Puppies too!!??

  3. YUM! We have an Ichiban here too!

  4. I *LOVE* sushi!
    And yes, it is known as edible art.

    Edamame is one of my fave things to get. That, and seaweed salad. And age tofu! And spicy tuna hand rolls! I love it all. And with LOTS of wasabi. I like it hot! ;-)

    Have a wonderful week!

  5. My son is a big sushi fan. I like some of it too. I'm not into trying new things-I tend to stick with what I know but am working on getting out of this same ol' same ol' rut!
    Good for you, I bet it made your daughter proud!


  6. I have never tried Sushi, ever!
    I am a mad seafood fan though, my favourite thing to eat, so maybe I should give it a go.
    How very inspiring you are ha ha!

    Love C. X

  7. Whatever Susie! Sushi is the bomb, you should branch out of your little shell and try more things!

  8. Mmmmm! I love's yummy on a cold Asian salad in the summertime! Not a huge sushi fan but I've tried it. One of my favorite adventures was when my husband took me to an Indian place downtown..complete with table side belly dancing entertainment. To this day he swears he knew nothing about that before hand. (RIGHT!)

  9. Looks fabulous!! I had only tried M&S sushi - which I hated!! Then I went to a wonderful place near my friends house!!! Yummy scrummy!! Another convert!!!

  10. I tried sushi not long ago, and loved it ever since!

    tried calamari though, never again.

  11. Oh yum! I am in love with sushi... I am craving it right now.


  12. HOLY COW... my weakness indeed. After Lent is over, were doing sushi!! (we gave all asian food up for Lent.. which is hard as I'm soo wanting some!)

    Maggie adores edamame that she'll ignore her supper for a plate for these babies.

    Great shots there.. you're becoming a pro at this my dear.

    Miss you lots and I send love your way!!

    Oh and Susie can't come when we 'do' sushi!


  13. I am a wuss!! I think I could only fathom eating the veggie ones- no raw anything for me! LOL Hope is all well w/you. I am just now starting to get back to visiting and attempting to make some time to blog. Things are getting much better health-wise for Mr. S. but he still cannot walk w/out a crutch. Trying to bend that knee is a real chore. He is a medical anomaly, according to the doctors. wow what a crazy few months this has been! Hope to be back again soon. :-) Sue

  14. I haven't had much sushi-
    I am such a chicken .
    Yours looks delicious.


  15. Aloha,Queen Bee
    sounds and looks wonderful, I love Japanese food and it looks like you had a lovely evening. Good sushi is fabulous, expensive too, but good. I'm so glad to be visiting you, Ive been out for a while, but it feels great to be back,
    Aloha wishes

  16. I'm sooooo proud of you Missy--trying that sushi. Now we can go eat sushi together! Tana
