Hello...anyone there?  I've been like Snoopy...a little relax on the posting and mail. I'm still here just had lots of drama...,gosh I hate that word....I've had lots of changes.  After much thought, I left my job. I loved my work, but felt as though I was needed on the home front. Even after the weekends so many things were still left undone. I just knew it was time to close that door in my life and devote myself to my family.
Everyone thought I was crazy to leave such a great job, but I had this tugging on me that it was time to go.
Well after being home two weeks. (spent one at our camp trying to think things over) my daughter was involved in a golf cart accident. Most of her injuries were sustained to her right side. She has a broken ankle that required surgery. I have literally taken care of her every need. We had to move her back home and fix her a place in our living room ( no way to get her upstairs). I will have to drive her fifty miles to school everyday for her to finish her summer college courses. Call me crazy (my husband said that it is just worked out that way)  but now I know what that tugging at my soul was all about.
Have you ever made a questionable decision and some how it is all clear now?


  1. Yep! Still here. I rarely post anymore but I still read what's out there everyday. Funny how things work out. Hope your daughter is feeling better soon!

  2. I am here for you always. I've been reading your postings on f/b and see the stress that you're under.. yet deep in your heart, Grace has bubbled forth and I see an very different you.

    It's so exciting to watch dear one bloom beyond what they thought they could be.. and holy cow my dear.. what a beauty you are!!!

    with love,

  3. OH MY GOODNESS! We are on the same wavelength here...my husband fell off the roof this weekend (changing the flood lights) and shattered/broke his ankle. It's been awful!

    So I totally know what you are going through! All of our bedrooms and bathrooms are upstairs too. My husband has to use crutches and "scoot" up and down the stairs. The dr is saying 6 months to a year for him to recover. Then he will never be able to run again. But could be worse. He has surgery on Monday. Pins and screws and an external fixator then possibly plates and screws.

    I will keep your daughter in my thoughts and prayers! So sorry this happened. It's hard to lose your independence I am sure she is sad about that. My husband sure is.

  4. Good to see ya back!!!
    I know that Family will always come first and God works in such mysterious ways ((to us)) but it always has a deeper meaning!!!
    So happy that your dear daughter is okay!!! That is the most important thing...and that you are able to help her heal and keep learning!!!
    I have miss you and am so happy that you shared a bit of this next chapter of your life's journey with us!!!

    ... my word verification is Nuture...

  5. You have to do what is best for you and your family, so if quitting your job was the answer, so be it. Sorry to hear about your daughter's dilemma. Wishing you the best- now aren't you glad you're home to help her out? Take care.
    ~ Sue

  6. Absolutely know what you mean. It's like the Lord gives us a heads up, but we don't really see it like that. Praying for her quick recovery!

  7. Love that lil mailbox....wher did you see it?

  8. Good things happen when you feel God tugging you in a different direction, and you obey the prompting. :) I hope your daughter heals well and soon! This season of you life seems to be one of hard things, and like I tell my kids, we can do hard things! Hard things grow and develop us like nothing else. You can do this!

  9. I feel like I make questionable decisions all the time! Glad to read that you were able to help her out during a painful time.

  10. Love your story about the snowbells! Glad you are home to take care of what needs doing. I'm sure your daughter is very glad too. Hope she heals quickly!

  11. I was in the same boat years ago... I actually owned my own Floral shop (The Robin's Nest) and loved every second I was there. I gave it up to raise children and though I miss it, I have no regrets. I thought about going back to work a year ago then my granddaughter was born. I am blessed to have her in my life and to have so much free time to spend with her. Looking back it's like God knew better where I should be then I did!
    If you do end up coming up to Washington let me know! The hubby and I are going back to Hurricane ridge to hike soon. We saw a trail by a waterfall that some people were taking and got curious! Must go back! :)
    Have a great week!

  12. By the way... I hope your daughter heals very fast! I'm glad she has you!

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter! I hope she heals quickly! I totally understand this post! I left a job that was stressful for me, too, and two weeks later my son and three grandchildren unexpectedly needed to stay with us for an extended period of time...I totally could see why I needed to leave that job. I felt like it was God's plan for me to be there...

  14. Sorry to hear about your daughter! How scary.
    But good for you! Sometimes it is so hard to follow our intuition. I'm so glad that you did follow yours. I'm glad you are able to be there for your daughter! I hope she heals quickly and all will be ok!

