My Back Yard Water Feature

Muddy Mess is the caption for this water feature. Pictured is the fountain that I purchased a few years ago. After years of growth and numerous hurricanes the landscape needed replacing. While on that project  Camo Man decided to go ahead and incorporate the fountain into the landscape.

On day one, after having DOTTIE mark all the underground lines, the first shovel in the ground hits a gas line. That was a scary moment until we were told it has an automatic shut off.
As you can see on day two the rains came....
I believe it rained two weeks straight! In between the rains, Camo Man added a water line to the fountain so it will be easy to refill. The winds blow alot of the water out. We are going to paint the pipe black so it is not so noticeable.

We then added  a watering system, crushed stone for the path ways, and a few plants. The weather has not wanted to cooperate for photos, I have enjoyed sharing my water feature with you during this hot summer season.


  1. My goodness! That is fabulous!!!
    I am actually stuck for words for once...I go missing for a couple of months on you and I come back to this wonderful creation. xxx

  2. Wow, that is really really beautiful!

    Hope you are having a wonderful summer~

  3. How very beautiful. The fountain sure looks great in that location. And how handy it will be to have the pipe there for more water. You are very fortunate to have such a wonderful home and yard!

  4. That is a great water feature, Missy! You and camo man did an excellent job. I like the gravel pathways and the plantings as accents to the fountain. Did you have to run an electrical outlet to it, too? Can't believe you had all those issues installing it. Hope you guys can enjoy it for the rest of the season!
    :-) Sue

  5. So pretty! I love your screened in back porch too!

  6. I love it! I have two fountains in front (nothing as big as yours) but Sound Man has been so busy with other stuff he hasn't had time to maintenance them, and I for sure don't know how! : ) I told him for my birthday I wanted my front yard to be pretty again!

  7. Your fountain and patio are beautiful! I love the sound of is so soothing and especially on those hot summer days!

  8. I love to just sit in your backyard and peaceful. Now if we could just get all of the kids back in school we could really do some chichattin'
    Love ya!

  9. NICE fountain! Wondering if you can hear it from the house?


  10. How amazing! I love how it looks. That looks like a lot of work, too bad the weather was not coordinating for you.
