Unexpected Bliss

What unexpected joy I had when this spring we came up the hill at the camp to see this....
Wow I was just so shocked and I do believe Camo Man was too, even though he acted like it was no big deal. He had planted clover for the winter in the pasture by the house. We always have it chopped under before the spring, but unfortunately this year we were unable to get it done.

Last year I had Camo Man plant two acres of sunflowers, only to have the deer munch them up before they were two inches high.  Can you just imagine my shock that this was here. Our Chocolate Lab loved running through and chasing the rabbits.

The bees were so busy...  I convinced Camo Man to wait a couple weeks and let the bees  finish their spring gathering.

Here is R.T. (my goat from the last trip to Round Top,TX) he was even coordinating with my pasture of red clover.
This was such a nice surprise to see, that I think we will let the clover go to bloom every spring,  just hope to get some bee boxes set up in time. If anyone has any tips on bee boxes, please share...

Have a great week, 
Southern Queen Bee 


  1. What a beautiful set of photos you have here in this post about your clover patch! It really turned out great.

  2. awesome shots there Missy and I so love where you placed the goat!

    Are you gonna make some clover jam?

    with love,

  3. LOve those clovers!!!! Great pictures Miss

  4. Beautiful photo's! How lucky to enjoy this everyday in person!
    Please let us know how it goes setting up bee boxes, if you get to do it next year! I think that sounds like fun :)

  5. That is so beautiful!

  6. What a gorgeous field of clover! I've never seen this before. When someone says clover to me, I think that nasty little stuff that tries to invade my lawn and shrub beds. Ick. This stuff of yours is gorgeous. And what a cutie pie goat! LOL
    hugs, Sue

  7. beautiful!! i've never seen a field of clover!!! just beautiful!!!

  8. I love that first pic of the bee on the blossom! So pretty! And the color of that clover! Gorgeous!

  9. So so beautiful! I love it though I am deathly allergic to bee's! I carry a major kit with me everywhere I go.

    Your pictures turned out amazing!

